Please help this newbie: fails with "running low on memory"

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Re: Please help this newbie: fails with "running low on memory"

Post by Nemesh »

Saw part of the video you uploaded.
I can't download it from there.
Upload to this filesharing and choose 'send as link':
Then copy the link sand send this to me in a PM.
With regards,

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Re: Please help this newbie: fails with "running low on memory"

Post by DSperber »

JJ wrote: Thu Nov 05, 2020 9:59 am Ok.
Steps I took now:

Load your project, click on convert.

At start this:

Then during conversion:

And failed, stopped program and after it was closed:
So if I correctly understand what you've now said, you're saying that you now HAVE BEEN ABLE TO REPRODUCE MY OUT-OF-MEMORY FAILURE? Yes? You didn't indicate at what percentage it fails at? And you also didn't show the program window in each of the Resource Manager screenshots, so it's not apparent at what percentages along the way you took a screenshot at. Also, your MEMORY text details window does not show the ConvertXtoHD program and its memory usage detail.

But I want to be sure I understand what you're confirming: you HAVE been able to duplicate my "storage leak" out-of-memory failure, right?

I'm not sure I follow the sequence of your screenshots, because they don't appear to reflect the correct progressive sequence of memory usage as the conversion proceeds. I would expect that early in the conversion you would have low in-use and high available. And as the conversion moves along, I would expect the in-use value to keep increasing and the available value to keep reducing, until finally some critical point is reached and the program dies with "insufficient available memory", and I don't actually see that explicitly in your screenshots.

Nevertheless, I appreciate your re-testing and posting your screenshots. Most importantly, I believe you definitely are saying that you have now been able to reproduce my failure. And that's "good news" (not really).

The VSO Tech Support people are working on this as well. They have my MP4 file (as you do), but haven't written me yet to confirm that they, too, can actually duplicate the failure. Now that you say you have duplicated my failure that would suggest VSO will also be able to duplicate the failure. And that means they should then be able to chase down what is happening.

Sure looks like they're creating the M2TS output BluRay video file in memory as one continuous ever-growing file, rather than actually writing it out to the target folder during the conversion progress.
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Re: Please help this newbie: fails with "running low on memory"

Post by DSperber »

Nemesh wrote: Thu Nov 05, 2020 12:01 pmUpload to this filesharing and choose 'send as link':
Then copy the link sand send this to me in a PM.

I've uploaded both the MP4 file as well as the XtoHD project definition file to that filesharing site. And I've sent you a PM with the two links.

Please let me know when you've downloaded them so that I can cancel my new subscription (required because the file was larger than 5GB) within the 7-day trial period and avoid being charged for 1-year of service.

Also please let me know if you are able to reproduce my "storage leak" symptom or not. Again, if you can post a series of screenshots of your own test showing XtoHD "progress fuel gauge" along with Resource Monitor showing corresponding memory utilization during the conversion, that would be most helpful.
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Re: Please help this newbie: fails with "running low on memory"

Post by Nemesh »

I have sucessfully converted the file without any problems.
Please check your PM.
Here are my settings:
Also, you are running Windows 7 and probably 32 bit version.
Then you will NOT be able to use the full 32 GB ram
With a 32 bits OS you can only adress 3.5 GB max.

I don't know if you can do it yourself but switch to Windows 10 x64.
Then your OS can use the full 32 GB.
My PC has also 32GB DDR3 RAM and runs Windows 10 PRO x64.
With regards,

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Re: Please help this newbie: fails with "running low on memory"

Post by DSperber »

EDIT: original comments were inappropriate. My brain was mistakenly thinking of another software product named AnyStream, which comes in a 32-bit and 64-bit version. Mea culpa. Apologies.

In fact, ConvertXtoHD only comes in one form, suitable for running on both Win7 and Win10. So I had installed it first on 64-bit Win7 Pro and it failed. And then I installed it on 64-bit Win10 Pro and it also failed.

So for me, it has failed hard, due to this "memory leak", in a 64-bit Windows environment. And I'm using both Win7 Pro and Win10 Pro, 64-bit versions of both. It's now clear the "memory leak" is a definite bug from program design, not from the version of Windows.

I will now review what settings @nemesh has used for his own test of my project (and using my input file), to see why he had success and I have failure. I believe the problem centers on "output format". He's specified "automatic (based on input resolution)" while I had specified "1080p (Full HD)". Probably my misunderstanding of what to specify. I now think "automatic" just copies the input source exactly, so that if I start with 1080p input I will get the identical 1080p as output with no conversion or transcoding needed.

But since the input is already 1080p I wouldn't have thought any "conversion" would be needed even if I did specify an output of 1080p as well. Program should be smart enough to understand that. I thought in the current situation this would simply do a "fast copy" (i.e. remux, "raw copy"). Shouldn't have made any difference given that my input was already 1080p to begin with. But, maybe I actually caused some conversion to occur through my manual setting of 1080p, which is what is then being strung out all in-memory, and running out of storage. You wouldn't think that should ever happen no matter what I set for this output format option, but who knows. There has to be some cause.

So maybe using "automatic" will elicit different behavior than specifying "1080p", even though they should be the same given my input.

I will re-test with this "automatic" option and see what happens.

Again, sorry for my incorrect original post.
Last edited by DSperber on Fri Nov 06, 2020 11:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Please help this newbie: fails with "running low on memory"

Post by yoyo57 »

I see you have done an update to clarify, it is a 32 bit app. Thanks
Last edited by yoyo57 on Sat Nov 07, 2020 6:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Please help this newbie: fails with "running low on memory"

Post by DSperber »

Well, I tried using @nemesh's "automatic" setting but actually the rest of his setup involved ENCODING. When I started the test the CPU needle went up near 100% and progress was slow. I'm not interested in any transcoding or re-compression at all.I want absolutely 100% original quality on the BluRay... exactly as I get using DVDFab BluRay Creator software to accomplish the result.

I want pure input-to-output if the format is suitable. And MP4 1080p MPEG-4 input is presumably suitable for a direct-copy. I've now re-tested using my original settings, except on a 32GB Win10 machine (instead of 16GB Win10 machine) and using a different MP4 file (still MP4 1080p MPEG-4). I also changed the output from BD25 to DVD-9 (still BluRay format, so this is acutally "BD9" suitable for using a DVD-DL media to hold BDMV output).

No change. Still fails, this time at about 59%. Log still shows "raw copy" for both audio and video which is what I'm shooting for. Progress gauge moves pretty fast (fails after only 2 minutes converting) and CPU usage is only very modest, not 100% like when encoding.

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Re: Please help this newbie: fails with "running low on memory"

Post by DSperber »

NOTE: at the start of the process, log shows "memory load 27%, available memory 3564MB" on my 32GB machine.

Strangely, the log on my 16GB machine shows "memory load 46%, available memory 3528MB".

I don't know what "available memory" is intended to imply, but it's unexpected to me that it would be identical on both a 16GB machine as well as a 32GB machine.

Also, it's interesting that @nemesh's test WHICH INVOLVED ENCODING never ran out of memory, but my test which is a "raw copy" runs out of memory. Obviously there must be a different internal technique regarding memory management used by XtoHD depending on whether encoding is involved or not.

Just my observations. Still waiting for VSO engineers to provide some comment on the issue, confirming that they can or cannot duplicate my results. Maybe the fact that they haven't provided any feedback to me implies that they HAVE duplicated my results and are baffled.

They've got my input file and project definition.
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Re: Please help this newbie: fails with "running low on memory"

Post by Nemesh »

You are using a mkv and NOT a Blu-Ray structure.
So the settings you are using do NOT apply.

Extract the .iso file I send you.
That is Blu-Ray structure and then you use: 'Try to copy only if source is compliant'
With regards,

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Re: Please help this newbie: fails with "running low on memory"

Post by DSperber »

Nemesh wrote: Sat Nov 07, 2020 10:42 am You are using a mkv and NOT a Blu-Ray structure.
So the settings you are using do NOT apply.
I was using an MP4, not MKV. Underlying content MPEG-4. Is this what you mean? What is the relevant fact here?

I am still learning, so pardon my ignorance. I used to use a program named multiAVCHD to accomplish my objective of producing authored BluRay homemade discs of 720p/1080i (not 1080p) MPEG-2 content clips. This new XtoHD project has the exact same goal as my old multiAVCHD project except using the VSO ConvertXtoHD program instead of multiAVCHD. And this is necessary primary because multiAVCHD doesn't support MPEG-4, but only supports MPEG-2. Otherwise I'd still be trying to use multiAVCHD to accomplish my goal.

Furthermore, the input files I used to use with multiAVCHD were 1080i (MPEG-2) clips edited from copy-freely HDTV files into MPG files by VideoRedo. The original primary source input files into VideoRedo for editing were complete program recordings of 720p/1080i HDTV broadcasts. And these HDTV program recordings were either:

(a) WTV recording files produced on PC by Windows Media Center (Win7) containing copy-freely 720p/1080i MPEG-2 streams in WTV wrapper (the packaging from MS and WMC to support DRM and copy-protection),edited using VideoRedo into MPG output clips

(b) TS files produced on PC by CapDVHS, which is a Windows program to transfer (via 1394 firewire interface) DVHS VCR recordings of 720p/1080i HDTV programs from DVHS VCR (e.g. JVC DT100U) to PC (producing TS files). These DVHS tape recordings themselves were produced either (a) directly onto DVHS tape from OTA/ATSC broadcasts (the JVC DT100U DVHS VCR contains an OTA/ATSC digital TV tuner), or (b) via 1394 firewire interface copy-once offload of 720p/1080i recordings from cable company Motorola DVRs (which provided firewire interface specficially to facilitate copy-once offload to DVHS VCR) to DVHS tape.

So one way or the other, these WTV (MPEG-2) and TS (MPEG-2) file clips were from 720p/1080i HDTV broadcasts which uses MPEG-2. And VideoRedo could read these WTV and TS raw input HDTV recording files, edit them, and produce MPG (MPEG-2) output clips. And these edited MPG (MPEG-2) clips were themselves the individual input files into multiAVCHD for authoring my BluRay BDMV discs. And these edited MPG (MPEG-2) clips were FAST-COPIED DIRECTLY into the BluRay output BDMV format by multiAVCHD, with zero transcoding or re-compression so as to retain 100% original 720p/1080i HDTV source quality as best as possible. Again, the clips are of original 720p/1080i HDTV broadcasts, compressed using MPEG-2, and packaged into MPG wrapper files.

That is exactly what I hope to accomplish, if possible, using ConvertXtoHD. But for this project the input is instead 1080p MPEG-4 files, packaged into MP4 wrapper files. The goal with XtoHD is the same as it was with multiAVCHD, namely to produce authoried BluRay discs containing "collections" of one or more clips. But in this case the input "clips" are 1080p movies, in MP4 wrapper files of MPEG-4 underlying content. And again, the goal is ot have these one or more MP4 (MPEG-4) input files simply FAST-COPIED DIRECTLY into the BluRay output BDMV format ty XtoHD, again with zero transcoding or re-compression so as to retain 100% original 1080p source quality as best as possible.

FAST-COPY takes essentially very little time to produce the BluRay output files ready to be burned to disc. Transcoding or re-compressing could take many many hours to accomplish depending on input file sizes, presumably also with quality degradation from original source quality.

That is the goal. Can this be done with ConvertXtoHD? Fast-copy of 1080p (MPEG-4) MP4 input files (both audio and video) to BluRay, retaining 100% original 1080p source file audio and video quality? That certainly is my objective. I thought my settings would accomplish that with XtoHD. This certainly seems to be possible and achievable using DVDFab 12 BluRay Creator, which I would be using except for its weakness in "authoring" menus and titles and chapters, etc.

In any case, XtoHD certainly seemed to be on its way to accomplishing my objective, except that at around the 60% mark working on a single 5GB input file it crashed due to "no more available memory" because of what I believe is a "storage leak" bug in the program. I suspect if the input file were smaller (say 1/2 the size) that the conversion to BluRay with XtoHD would actually have completed successfully!! In other words, it's not the objective nor my settings that are responsible for my current difficulties. It's only that the program crashes on the way to being successful because of a "storage leak" program bug that eventually kills it before completing the entire job, but not because it wasn't actually doing what I wanted it to do but rather because of the "storage leak" bug in the program itself.

I am going to perform another experiment. I will use VideoRedo to cut my input MP4 (MPEG-4) file in half, and try that 1/2-size input file into XtoHD using exactly the same program settings I'm trying to use right now in my failing efforts. Since the current failure occurs at around the 60% complete point I would think if I input a file 1/2 the current file size then that should allow XtoHD to complete this smaller conversion. At least that's my theory. And then I can see if the resulting BluRay disc produces exactly what I want.

In other words I would like to at least determine if ConvertXtoHD would complete and produce exactly the BluRay I want from my input MP4 1080p (MPEG-4) files if only they were smaller, so that the current "storage leak" bug would not cause the program to crash before completing the production. And I believe experimenting with a smaller file (say 1/2 the current input size, say no larger than 2.5GB or so) could prove or disprove my theory.
Extract the .iso file I send you.
That is Blu-Ray structure and then you use: 'Try to copy only if source is compliant'
I'm still downloading (almost finished, but not quite), and will see what you've sent me and how it differs from what I was starting from.

If the only program settings change you're asking me to make from what I'm currently using is "try to copy only if source is compliant", then what did you do to the original MP4 1080p (MPEG-4) file I sent you in order to create the so-called "compliant BluRay structure" files you've returned to me to use instead as the input? What is the difference in internal structure of your file vs. my original which makes it "BluRay compliant" whereas my original file was not?
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Re: Please help this newbie: fails with "running low on memory"

Post by DSperber »

Nemesh wrote: Sat Nov 07, 2020 10:42 am You are using a mkv and NOT a Blu-Ray structure.
So the settings you are using do NOT apply.
Respectfully, and supported by empirical evidence, I would like to disagree. See my details below.

I believe my settings support exactly what I'm trying to accomplish, and which I believe the XtoHD program theoretically supports perfectly...if only there were no "storage leak" bug that effectively limits (until the bug is fixed) the maximum size input MP4 file(s) like mine that can be successfully converted to BluRay.

It's not that the program basic functionality doesn't work, or that my input file is not BluRay compliant for straight "raw copy" / remux, or that my settings are incorrect. It's simply that the program bug uses up all of memory eventually and crashes, if the input is too large.

Extract the .iso file I send you.
That is Blu-Ray structure and then you use: 'Try to copy only if source is compliant'
I have downloaded your files. Thank you very much for the effort you spent converting my MP4 file and the time you took to upload the resulting BluRay (in ISO form, converted to 5 RAR parts).

Sure, your result represents "success", in that the XtoHD program successfully ran to completion and completed the conversion. It didn't run out of storage converting my MP4 using your settings as my own testing did.

However your settings also specify CPU/GPU encoding, producing an output M2TS file from my input MP4 file that is recompressed. It is NOT the untouched original underlying MPEG-4 source stream quality simply re-packaged from an MP4 wrapper into an M2TS wrapper which is what I am trying to accomplish. The original source input MP4 file is 4.8GB, and your output M2TS file is 17.7GB.

In contrast, DVDFab 12 BluRay Creator IS able to do exactly what I want. Its output M2TS file is essentially the same size as the input MP4 file. Using the same 4.8GB input MP4 file its output M2TS file is 4.5GB (interestingly, it re-packs smaller in M2TS form than the original MP4, at least in this specific case).

Now as I mentioned in my previous post, I decided to test out my theory that XtoHD isn't functionally broken, in that it actually CAN do what I want. Its problem is that it is "technically broken" insofar as it has a "storage leak" bug (apparently only in the "raw copy / remux" mode of operation, since you didn't encounter it in your recompress/encode mode of operation). So I used VideoRedi to edit the original 1:19 MP4 file which caused the program crash at about 60% complete, reducing it to a shorter MP4 of about 51 minutes. The new smaller MP4 file size is 3.2GB instead of the original 4.8GB.

And then I re-ran my test using the shorter 51 minute 3.2GB MP4 file and using EXACTLY THE SAME SETTINGS as I originally used when the program crashed using the longer 1:19 4.8GB MP4 file. And, exactly has I expected, XtoHD completed successfully!! The problem and crash wasn't caused by my input MP4 file or my settings. It was simply a "storage leak" bug in the "remux / raw copy" mode of operation that VOS must address. So in this case, the input MP4 file was 3.2GB and the XtoHD output M2TS file was 3.4GB (this time M2TS a bit larger than MP4). No recompression.

Clearly the experimental results indicate that DVDFab is obviously doing pretty much nothing more than re-wrapping the underlying MPEG-4 stream. And, similarly (but working with a somewhat shorter input MP4 file so as to avoid the "storage leak" bug) XtoHD using my settings also produces an output M2TS file that is pretty much just a simple re-wrapping of the underlying MPEG-4 stream. Again, no recompression, which is what I want.

In contrast your test, using the original longer MP4 input file and your ENCODE settings (since apparently the "storage leak" bug does not exist in this mode of operation) recompressed the original 4.8GB input MP4 file into a much larger 17.7GB output M2TS file. Not what I want.

==> It is clear that the "storage leak" bug occurs in "remux / raw copy" mode, but does not occur in "ENCODE / recompress" mode. Otherwise, there's nothing wrong with either my input 1080p MP4 (MPEG-4) input file nor my XtoHD settings that produce "remux / raw copy" results.

It's now eminently clear that XtoHD has a "storage leak" bug in "remus / raw copy" mode.
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Re: Please help this newbie: fails with "running low on memory"

Post by DSperber »


I've sent you a PM with the URL so that you can download my files:

(1) Shorter MP4, 51 minutes vs. 1:19.

(2) Resulting ISO output (of BluRay folder) from XtoHD job processing this shorter MP4 file.

(3) Job log from the run, proving "success" using the same original program settings to result in "remux / raw copy". Again, the problem is not the form of my MP4 input file, nor is it that my settings are incorrect. The problem is a "storage leak" bug in the program which results in a no-more-memory crash if the input file(s) are longer than about 55 minutes in length.[/quote]
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Re: Please help this newbie: fails with "running low on memory"

Post by Nemesh »

All right, so it's a bug.
Then lets hope this bug will be corrected in the 64-bit release.
With regards,

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Re: Please help this newbie: fails with "running low on memory"

Post by Jacques (VSO) »

Hello, a quick note from the dev. team.
Yes, there is an identified bug occuring in remux mode that cause the memory to be consumed especially with big video.

We are currently trying to narrow the bug to find out if it can be solved in the 32 bits version with reasonable efforts and time spent.

I'll post update on this specific issue not later than tomorrow night.
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Re: Please help this newbie: fails with "running low on memory"

Post by Jacques (VSO) »

Hello, I come back with good news: The bug has been identified and solved. We are currently running some regression test on the software, and once it's done we will release a new version. Expect it in the very next few days.
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Re: Please help this newbie: fails with "running low on memory"

Post by DSperber »

Terrific news!!

Many thanks for your prompt response to the report of this issue, and for your quick resolution. From a user perspective I'd like to say that my appreciation for this kind of "parental" vendor behavior toward problem reports cannot be overstated. Well done.

Looking forward to the fixed version.
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Re: Please help this newbie: fails with "running low on memory"

Post by DSperber »

I happened to notice that there is a new latest beta posted today. So this must be the new version promised 10 days ago.

It would have been helpful if this information had been posted here in this thread as well, since the only "fix" in the new beta version is precisely dealing with the "memory leak" bug when running in remux-only mode (raw copy for both audio and video) that I discovered and reported and which resulted in this thread's creation. No such post has happened.

I also did not receive any email on my currently open official "ticket" which was opened back on Nov 3, and which we had about a week's worth of back-and-forth from tech support about it. I also had uploaded various files for the developers to work with, in order to duplicate my results. And I was informed that they HAD duplicated the issue in their lab. And solving this bug is clearly has now produced this new version. I would have expected an email from the support group advising me of this progress, and requesting me to try the beta version to see if it has resolved my issue. No such email has been received.

Anyway, I've now on my own downloaded the supposedly fixed version, and given it a try. I did have to extend my 7-day trial license first since this has product trial of mine has stretched out long past the initial 7-days. This part went without a hitch and I was once again able to use the program for another 7-day trial period.

Unfortunately, the results from this new beta are mixed, but MOSTLY AWFUL.

The one piece of good news is that the memory leak problem definitely seems fixed, at least when using just one full-sized MP4 file as input. The program ran to completion, and I didn't have to use the half-size smaller 0:51 version to make it through. I was able to use the original 1:19 video, and XtoHD did in fact run to normal completion. And I also successfully used XtoHD to burn the output folder to BluRay media, to be able to see how it actually looked for real. So far, so good.

However the bad news is that the burned BluRay produced no sound when played in my Oppo player. I can actually navigate to the \Stream\00000.M2Ts file and play it (with PotPlayer) on my PC, and there absolutely IS sound in the file. But something about the authoring of the BluRay caused a genuine mechanical Oppo disc player to be silent. And backing up this issue of "no playable sound" is the fact that I also tried to "play the folder" using DVDFab 6 BluRay Player on my PC. And it, too, produced NO SOUND.

So there's something wrong with the actual authoring, and I'm certain it has to do with the remux-mode "raw copy" for audio. My initial attempts at just re-using my original saved project from last week to try out the new beta program actually for some reason resulted in the audio being re-encoded to EAC3 5.1, even though the input MP4 itself is already EAC3 5.1 and just needs to be copied directly. Well the resulting BluRay folder when doing the audio encoding (which was not needed, and incorrect) actually DID PRODUCE SOUND when played by DVDFab. But the later project (brand newly created using which produced "remux - raw copy" and no re-encoding, well that result produced SILENCE when played with DVDFab.

Bottom line: one input MP4 title, memory leak seems fixed and now behind us. But the output of true audio and video remux-only (with raw copy for both audio and video), the output produces no sound when played with a PC BluRay player product like DVDFab, and no sound when played on a mechanical disc player like my Oppo UDP-203.

Here is the LOG of this first one-file test. Note that I decided to just let the program inject the every-5-minute chapter marks like it wanted to, and there were 17 chapters total I believe:

Code: Select all

:std_log='C:\Users\Darryl Sperber\AppData\Roaming\VSO\ConvertXtoHD\3\Log\ConvertXtoHD 3_mainlog.20201119.115213.605.log'
:event_header='{time}  {type}'
:ShortDateFormat=dd mmm

11:52:13.571  ------------    ****************ConvertXToHD.exe:6580 Log session stop after 8 minute(s) 33 second(s) 852 millisecond(s)****************
11:52:12.075  Info            Thumber terminated
11:52:11.983  Info            Waiting for thumber to end
11:51:59.813  Info            Smart copy enabled. Total size 5503 Mb.
11:52:09.010  Info                Disc name: "Laurel Canyon: A Place In Time Part 1"
11:52:00.190  Info                Burned folder: "L:\VSO Convert\Laurel Canyon\Laurel Canyon A Place In Time Part 1", Min. media size 5.37 GB.
11:51:59.809  Info                Conversion completed in 00:07:49
11:51:58.739  Info                "TITLE 1/1 (Global 1/1)" menu built successfully
11:51:27.541  Info                H264 settings for stream #1: codec=h264,width=1920,height=1080,dar=16/9,user_b=12000000,bt=12000000,maxrate=40000000,threads=2,preset=superfast,time_base=1/24,g=24,fake_interlaced=0,color_primaries=bt709,color_trc=bt709,colorspace=bt709,aspect=1/1,bsf=h264_mp4toannexb,slices=4,refs=4,bf=3,bufsize=30000000,strict=normal,bluray=1,flags=+loop+cgop-global_header,weightp=none,aud=1,nal_hrd=vbr,b_pyramid=strict,coder=ac,h264_profile=high,h264_level=4.1,b=12000000,pixel_format=yuv420p
11:51:27.402  Important           Starting BD title menus encoding: [Memory load 26%] [Available virtual memory 3604 Mb.]
11:51:27.402  Info                Building TITLE menu
11:44:10.029  Info                    [ ] Loop playback
11:44:10.029  Info                    [ ] Play titles one after the other
11:44:10.029  Info                    [ ] Don't create title menu for single video
11:44:10.028  Info                    [x] Return to title menu after titleset playback
11:44:10.028  Info                    [x] Skip root menu initially
11:44:10.027  Info                    [ ] Auto-start playback
11:44:10.027  Info                    Template: Metallic (open style), contains 4 page(s)
11:44:10.027  Group               Blu-ray/AVCHD menu options
11:44:10.027  Info                    Output target size : BD-25 (23000 MB)
11:44:10.026  Info                    Number of core(s) used for encoding : 8
11:44:10.026  Info                    Number of core(s) used for decoding : 8
11:44:10.026  Info                    [ ] Use 2 pass encoding
11:44:10.026  Info                    [ ] Use best video quality settings
11:44:10.025  Info                    [ ] Use hardware encoding (if possible)
11:44:10.025  Info                    [ ] Use hardware decoding (if possible)
11:44:10.024  Info                    Max simultaneous conversions: 4
11:44:10.024  Group               Advanced encoding options
11:51:23.206  ------------            *****************************************File encoded successfully: 00000.m2ts******************************************
11:51:23.203  Info                    "CHAPTERS 3/3 (Global 4/4)" menu built successfully
11:50:29.530  Info                    H264 settings for stream #1: codec=h264,width=1920,height=1080,dar=16/9,user_b=12000000,bt=12000000,maxrate=40000000,threads=2,preset=superfast,time_base=1/24,g=24,fake_interlaced=0,color_primaries=bt709,color_trc=bt709,colorspace=bt709,aspect=1/1,bsf=h264_mp4toannexb,slices=4,refs=4,bf=3,bufsize=30000000,strict=normal,bluray=1,flags=+loop+cgop-global_header,weightp=none,aud=1,nal_hrd=vbr,b_pyramid=strict,coder=ac,h264_profile=high,h264_level=4.1,b=12000000,pixel_format=yuv420p
11:50:26.924  Info                    "CHAPTERS 2/3 (Global 3/4)" menu built successfully
11:49:12.443  Info                    H264 settings for stream #1: codec=h264,width=1920,height=1080,dar=16/9,user_b=12000000,bt=12000000,maxrate=40000000,threads=2,preset=superfast,time_base=1/24,g=24,fake_interlaced=0,color_primaries=bt709,color_trc=bt709,colorspace=bt709,aspect=1/1,bsf=h264_mp4toannexb,slices=4,refs=4,bf=3,bufsize=30000000,strict=normal,bluray=1,flags=+loop+cgop-global_header,weightp=none,aud=1,nal_hrd=vbr,b_pyramid=strict,coder=ac,h264_profile=high,h264_level=4.1,b=12000000,pixel_format=yuv420p
11:49:08.624  Info                    "CHAPTERS 1/3 (Global 2/4)" menu built successfully
11:47:59.255  Info                    H264 settings for stream #1: codec=h264,width=1920,height=1080,dar=16/9,user_b=12000000,bt=12000000,maxrate=40000000,threads=2,preset=superfast,time_base=1/24,g=24,fake_interlaced=0,color_primaries=bt709,color_trc=bt709,colorspace=bt709,aspect=1/1,bsf=h264_mp4toannexb,slices=4,refs=4,bf=3,bufsize=30000000,strict=normal,bluray=1,flags=+loop+cgop-global_header,weightp=none,aud=1,nal_hrd=vbr,b_pyramid=strict,coder=ac,h264_profile=high,h264_level=4.1,b=12000000,pixel_format=yuv420p
11:47:56.832  Info                    "ROOT 1/1 (Global 1/4)" menu built successfully
11:47:24.055  Info                    H264 settings for stream #1: codec=h264,width=1920,height=1080,dar=16/9,user_b=12000000,bt=12000000,maxrate=40000000,threads=2,preset=superfast,time_base=1/24,g=24,fake_interlaced=0,color_primaries=bt709,color_trc=bt709,colorspace=bt709,aspect=1/1,bsf=h264_mp4toannexb,slices=4,refs=4,bf=3,bufsize=30000000,strict=normal,bluray=1,flags=+loop+cgop-global_header,weightp=none,aud=1,nal_hrd=vbr,b_pyramid=strict,coder=ac,h264_profile=high,h264_level=4.1,b=12000000,pixel_format=yuv420p
11:47:23.886  Important               Starting BD root menu encoding: [Memory load 26%] [Available virtual memory 3610 Mb.]
11:47:23.885  Info                    Building ROOT, CHAPTERS,  menus using template: Metallic (open style)
11:47:23.782  Info                    video #1 - Processed video frames: 113834 (113834 frames encoded, 0 frames dropped, 0 frames duplicated)
11:44:11.896  ------------            +--> [audio #2 - RAW copy [English]]
                                      +-[audio [eng] eac3 main audio 6 Ch. 48000Hz , 640 Kbps]
                                      +--> [video #1 - RAW copy]
                                      +-[video h264 1920x1080 16:9 yuv420p, 23.98Fps, 8126Kbps ]
                                      Output file: L:\VSO Convert\Laurel Canyon\Laurel Canyon A Place In Time Part 1\BDMV\STREAM\00000.m2ts (Blu-ray)
                                      Input file: G:\Anystream\Laurel Canyon\Laurel Canyon Part 1.mp4
11:44:11.896  Info                    Chapters to generate: 16 (0h00m00s, 0h05m00s, 0h10m00s, 0h15m00s, 0h20m00s, 0h25m00s, 0h30m00s, 0h35m00s, 0h40m00s, 0h45m00s, 0h50m00s, 0h55m00s, 1h00m00s, 1h05m00s, 1h10m00s, 1h15m00s, )
11:44:11.895  Important               Starting video encoding: [Memory load 21%] [Available virtual memory 3552 Mb.]
11:44:10.037  Verbose                 FFmpeg Opening file G:\Anystream\Laurel Canyon\Laurel Canyon Part 1.mp4
11:44:09.563  Verbose                 FFmpeg Opening file G:\Anystream\Laurel Canyon\Laurel Canyon Part 1.mp4
11:44:09.562  Group               ******************** Titleset #1 - ~79 min. File: "Episode One" -> 00000.m2ts - Blu-ray ********************|GK_TITLESET|
11:44:09.560  Info                Encoding options: Video smart copy mode enabled
11:44:09.559  Important           Setting queuer for Blu-ray output: [Wait: 4000], [ld: 1000], [Hd: 10000], [MAM: 600], [RM: 500], [ALL: True]
11:44:09.558  Info                Don't log FFMpeg log events
11:44:09.557  ------------        ***************************************************Burn settings end****************************************************
11:44:09.557  Info                Default speed selected: 4x
11:44:09.557  Info                [ ] Delete vsomsl files after burn complete
11:44:09.556  Info                [ ] Delete output folder after burn complete
11:44:09.556  Info                [ ] Don't eject disc or open output folder in explorer, after burn complete
11:44:09.556  Info                SAO setting: Automatic
11:44:09.556  Info                [x] Burn result to disk / as ISO file in working folder
11:44:09.555  ------------        **************************************************Burn settings begin***************************************************
11:44:09.555  Group           Encoding session started at 11:44:09 AM: 1 titleset(s) to encode -> Completed in 00:07:49|GK_CONVERT_SESSION|
11:44:05.725  Group           Project in "C:\Users\Darryl Sperber\Documents\VSO Projects\Laurel Canyon A Place In Time Part 1.XtoHD" loaded successfully
11:43:45.107  Info                Personnal resources size (C:\Users\Darryl Sperber\Documents\ConvertXtoHD_Resources\): 0MB, 0 file(s)
11:43:44.903  Info                Monotonizer size (C:\ProgramData\vso\vsomsl): 0MB, 0 file(s)
11:43:44.702  Info                Thumb cache size (C:\ProgramData\VSO\vsothumbs): 10MB, 4 file(s)
11:43:44.507  Info                Logs and templates size (C:\ProgramData\VSO\ConvertXtoHD\3\): 74MB, 663 file(s)
11:43:44.204  Group           Folder data
11:43:44.191  Info            Menu templates loaded: 20
11:43:43.304  Info                This license is limited in time
11:43:43.304  Info                License status: Trial period in progress
11:43:43.303  Info                License type: trial
11:43:43.303  Info                Computer ID: 4642634
11:43:43.303  Group           License
11:43:38.905  Info            Loading templates from: "C:\Users\Darryl Sperber\Documents\ConvertXtoHD_Resources\Templates\"
11:43:38.905  Info            Loading templates from: "C:\ProgramData\VSO\ConvertXtoHD\3\Templates\"
11:43:38.903  ------------    ***************************ConvertXToHD.exe:6580 Log session start 2020-11-19 at 11:43:38.223***************************
11:52:02.215  Info                No disc in drive.
11:52:00.213  Info                Compatible media for write : DVD-R, DVD-RW Seq., DVD-RW RO, DVD+R, DVD+RW, CD-R, CD-RW, DL DVD+R, DL DVD-R, Blu-Ray-R, Blu-Ray-RE (V1), Blu-Ray-RE (V2)
11:52:00.212  Info                Drive has Serial ATA physical interface
11:52:00.212  Info                New Drive selected : [N] HL-DT-ST BD-RE  BH16NS40 1.02 (ATAPI)
11:43:38.899  Info                1 writer(s) found.
11:43:38.885  Group           Burn engine events

Next, I moved on to a 2-file input test. This was actually the very original experiment I did back in early November. This pair of files is Episode 1 and Episode 2 of a 2-part documentary. I was trying to use XtoHD to produce a single BluRay disc with both titles on it (again, pure remux-mode, direct raw-copy of input audio/video to output, zero re-encoding of either audio or video, 100% original source quality on output disc), exactly the same as I'd already done without any problem using DVDFab 12 BluRay Creator and those very same two MP4 files.

Well, now the test was A TOTAL AND COMPLETE DISASTER. While the memory leak problem didn't show up, the job truly crashed after making it out to about the 97% mark. Again, I left the every-5-minute chapters setting active, and this time it had two titles to do this for.

Here is the crash error in the log:

Code: Select all

Error while encoding file: av Violation d'accès à l'adresse 0088E608 dans le module 'ConvertXToHD.exe'. Lecture de l'adresse 112A1004
Anyway, didn't complete, so I have nothing to look at but the log. It does show "Error while encoding BDMV file: 00000.m2ts" while working on the first title (I think it was probably in the "encoding chapters" state for titleset #1 at the time). The second input file's simultaneous progress had moved up to about 90% when the program crashed.

Code: Select all

:std_log='C:\Users\Darryl Sperber\AppData\Roaming\VSO\ConvertXtoHD\3\Log\ConvertXtoHD 3_mainlog.20201119.120401.723.log'
:event_header='{time}  {type}'
:ShortDateFormat=dd mmm

12:04:01.697  ------------    ****************ConvertXToHD.exe:4396 Log session stop after 4 minute(s) 58 second(s) 304 millisecond(s)****************
12:04:00.027  Info            Thumber terminated
12:03:59.922  Info            Waiting for thumber to end
12:03:42.056  Warning         folder "
12:03:41.100  Info                Conversion cancelled after 00:04:18
11:59:22.624  Info                    [ ] Loop playback
11:59:22.623  Info                    [ ] Play titles one after the other
11:59:22.623  Info                    [ ] Don't create title menu for single video
11:59:22.623  Info                    [x] Return to title menu after titleset playback
11:59:22.622  Info                    [x] Skip root menu initially
11:59:22.622  Info                    [ ] Auto-start playback
11:59:22.621  Info                    Template: Metallic (open style), contains 4 page(s)
11:59:22.621  Group               Blu-ray/AVCHD menu options
11:59:22.621  Info                    Output target size : BD-25 (23000 MB)
11:59:22.621  Info                    Number of core(s) used for encoding : 8
11:59:22.620  Info                    Number of core(s) used for decoding : 8
11:59:22.620  Info                    [ ] Use 2 pass encoding
11:59:22.620  Info                    [ ] Use best video quality settings
11:59:22.619  Info                    [ ] Use hardware encoding (if possible)
11:59:22.619  Info                    [ ] Use hardware decoding (if possible)
11:59:22.619  Info                    Max simultaneous conversions: 4
11:59:22.619  Group               Advanced encoding options
12:03:39.616  Error                   Error while encoding file: av Violation d'accès à l'adresse 0088E608 dans le module 'ConvertXToHD.exe'. Lecture de l'adresse 112A1004
11:59:26.776  ------------            +--> [audio #2 - RAW copy [English]]
                                      +-[audio [eng] eac3 main audio 6 Ch. 48000Hz , 640 Kbps]
                                      +--> [video #1 - RAW copy]
                                      +-[video h264 1920x1080 16:9 yuv420p, 23.98Fps, 8657Kbps ]
                                      Output file: L:\VSO Convert\Laurel Canyon\Laurel Canyon A Place In Time Parts 1 & 2\BDMV\STREAM\00001.m2ts (Blu-ray)
                                      Input file: G:\Anystream\Laurel Canyon\Laurel Canyon Part 2.mp4
11:59:26.775  Info                    Chapters to generate: 16 (0h00m00s, 0h05m00s, 0h10m00s, 0h15m00s, 0h20m00s, 0h25m00s, 0h30m00s, 0h35m00s, 0h40m00s, 0h45m00s, 0h50m00s, 0h55m00s, 1h00m00s, 

1h05m00s, 1h10m00s, 1h15m00s, )
11:59:26.775  Important               Starting video encoding: [Memory load 21%] [Available virtual memory 3477 Mb.]
11:59:26.698  Verbose                 FFmpeg Opening file G:\Anystream\Laurel Canyon\Laurel Canyon Part 2.mp4
11:59:22.615  Info                    Menu fit: Text size reduced from 36.00 to 33.00 in style "Title of title menu pages"
11:59:21.972  Verbose                 FFmpeg Opening file G:\Anystream\Laurel Canyon\Laurel Canyon Part 2.mp4
11:59:21.971  Group               ******************** Titleset #2 - ~78 min. File: "Episode Two" -> 00001.m2ts - Blu-ray ********************|GK_TITLESET|
12:03:40.415  Error                   Error while encoding BDMV file: 00000.m2ts
12:03:40.413  ------------            *****************************************File encoded successfully: 00000.m2ts******************************************
12:03:40.403  Warning                 "CHAPTERS 1/3 (Global 2/4)" menu cancelled by user
12:03:37.056  Info                    H264 settings for stream #1: 



12:03:34.432  Info                    "ROOT 1/1 (Global 1/4)" menu built successfully
12:03:00.612  Info                    H264 settings for stream #1: 



12:03:00.457  Important               Starting BD root menu encoding: [Memory load 23%] [Available virtual memory 3531 Mb.]
12:03:00.457  Info                    Building ROOT, CHAPTERS,  menus using template: Metallic (open style)
12:03:00.356  Info                    video #1 - Processed video frames: 113834 (113834 frames encoded, 0 frames dropped, 0 frames duplicated)
11:59:22.698  ------------            +--> [audio #2 - RAW copy [English]]
                                      +-[audio [eng] eac3 main audio 6 Ch. 48000Hz , 640 Kbps]
                                      +--> [video #1 - RAW copy]
                                      +-[video h264 1920x1080 16:9 yuv420p, 23.98Fps, 8126Kbps ]
                                      Output file: L:\VSO Convert\Laurel Canyon\Laurel Canyon A Place In Time Parts 1 & 2\BDMV\STREAM\00000.m2ts (Blu-ray)
                                      Input file: G:\Anystream\Laurel Canyon\Laurel Canyon Part 1.mp4
11:59:22.698  Info                    Chapters to generate: 16 (0h00m00s, 0h05m00s, 0h10m00s, 0h15m00s, 0h20m00s, 0h25m00s, 0h30m00s, 0h35m00s, 0h40m00s, 0h45m00s, 0h50m00s, 0h55m00s, 1h00m00s, 

1h05m00s, 1h10m00s, 1h15m00s, )
11:59:22.697  Important               Starting video encoding: [Memory load 21%] [Available virtual memory 3554 Mb.]
11:59:22.632  Verbose                 FFmpeg Opening file G:\Anystream\Laurel Canyon\Laurel Canyon Part 1.mp4
11:59:21.760  Verbose                 FFmpeg Opening file G:\Anystream\Laurel Canyon\Laurel Canyon Part 1.mp4
11:59:21.759  Group               ******************** Titleset #1 - ~79 min. File: "Episode One" -> 00000.m2ts - Blu-ray ********************|GK_TITLESET|
11:59:21.756  Info                Encoding options: Video smart copy mode enabled
11:59:21.755  Important           Setting queuer for Blu-ray output: [Wait: 4000], [ld: 1000], [Hd: 10000], [MAM: 600], [RM: 500], [ALL: True]
11:59:21.753  Info                Don't log FFMpeg log events
11:59:21.753  ------------        ***************************************************Burn settings end****************************************************
11:59:21.752  Info                Default speed selected: 4x
11:59:21.752  Info                [ ] Delete vsomsl files after burn complete
11:59:21.752  Info                [ ] Delete output folder after burn complete
11:59:21.752  Info                [ ] Don't eject disc or open output folder in explorer, after burn complete
11:59:21.751  Info                SAO setting: Automatic
11:59:21.751  Info                [x] Burn result to disk / as ISO file in working folder
11:59:21.751  ------------        **************************************************Burn settings begin***************************************************
11:59:21.751  Group           Encoding session started at 11:59:21 AM: 2 titleset(s) to encode -> Cancelled after 00:04:18|GK_CONVERT_SESSION|
11:59:16.717  Group           Project in "C:\Users\Darryl Sperber\Documents\VSO Projects\Laurel Canyon A Place In Time Parts 1 & 2.XtoHD" loaded successfully
11:59:08.961  Info                Personnal resources size (C:\Users\Darryl Sperber\Documents\ConvertXtoHD_Resources\): 0MB, 0 file(s)
11:59:08.759  Info                Monotonizer size (C:\ProgramData\vso\vsomsl): 0MB, 0 file(s)
11:59:08.557  Info                Thumb cache size (C:\ProgramData\VSO\vsothumbs): 10MB, 4 file(s)
11:59:08.355  Info                Logs and templates size (C:\ProgramData\VSO\ConvertXtoHD\3\): 74MB, 663 file(s)
11:59:08.055  Group           Folder data
11:59:08.043  Info            Menu templates loaded: 20
11:59:07.131  Info                This license is limited in time
11:59:07.131  Info                License status: Trial period in progress
11:59:07.131  Info                License type: trial
11:59:07.131  Info                Computer ID: 4642634
11:59:07.131  Group           License
11:59:02.427  Info            Loading templates from: "C:\Users\Darryl Sperber\Documents\ConvertXtoHD_Resources\Templates\"
11:59:02.427  Info            Loading templates from: "C:\ProgramData\VSO\ConvertXtoHD\3\Templates\"
11:59:02.424  ------------    ***************************ConvertXToHD.exe:4396 Log session start 2020-11-19 at 11:59:01.723***************************
11:59:02.421  Info                1 writer(s) found.
11:59:02.409  Group           Burn engine events
I will send an email to tech support on my ticket, to advise them of these latest results. I will also provide the second full-length input file (although they could just as easily copy the first file I've already given them and just use it as a second input file, to duplicate my 2-file test environment).

Given that there already was no awareness of the "memory leak" bug in remux mode, I would not be surprised that they are also unaware that the program simply does not work, not for one input file (-> no sound when played), nor for more than one input file (-> program crashed).

Sure looks like this product is not yet ready-for-prime-time. It might work if you re-encode input. But it certainly does not work if you just want to remux BluRay-compliant MP4 MPEG-4 input already in 1920x1080p HD format into M2TS files for authored BluRay disc. At least it certainly has not worked for me. I'm not impressed.
Posts: 34
Joined: Mon Nov 02, 2020 2:16 am

Re: Please help this newbie: fails with "running low on memory"

Post by DSperber »

Status update on my open ticket:

It IS definitely being worked on by the development team. I've received several emails from VSO confirming this, as well as confirming that they have received all of the files I've sent them in order to be able to duplicate my own results and symptoms when using

(1) They HAVE been able to duplicate the "crash" I had when running the 2-file conversion, using the very same two MP4/MPEG-4 1920x1080p EAC-3 DD5.1 input files that I was using. They are working to resolve this.

(2) Initially they were UNABLE TO DUPLICATE the audio issue I described out of my 1-file conversion, using just one MP4 file. This is the test which actually did run to "successful" completion for me, but which I complained had NO AUDIBLE SOUND when played. This seemed in contradiction with the fact that the underlying \BDMV\STREAM\00000.M2TS file itself actually DID PLAY WITH SOUND! So the issue wasn't that the remux-only "raw copy" wasn't working, but something more related to the BluRay folder authoring. Apparently the specification of what form of audio was supposed to be present must somehow be incorrect, because both (a) DVDFab 6 played video but no sound from the BluRay folder, and (b) Oppo UDP-203 played video but no sound from the burned BluRay disc itself.

I wrote back that perhaps they weren't actually playing the true 1:19:07 movie itself which is where the NO AUDIBLE SOUND symptom is presented. The "main menu" created actually has a 0:30.00 audio intro, which DOES PLAY WITH SOUND. And until they push PLAY (to begin playing the movie) they might falsely conclude that there IS SOUND, so that I must be mistaken. But in fact the NO AUDIBLE SOUND is coming from playing the main (single) movie title itself, not from the intro (which DOES have audible sound).

I've provided them with the actual BluRay folder generated by my 1-file test, along with the project definition and conversion job LOG, along with more specific instructions on what to do to demonstrate that there is actually NO AUDIBLE SOUND when playing the main movie... despite the fact that 00000.M2TS itself actually DOES HAVE SOUND WHEN PLAYED BY ITSELF.

They've said they will be re-conducting their own 1-file test to again try and duplicate my reported audio issue. Hopefully they will now be able to duplicate my results and will then be able to chase down this second issue with

Of course my 7-day free trial expired, along with the one allowed additional 7-day extension of the free trial. So I had to use a second machine for this re-test.

Hopefully they will report back soon that they're making progress on resolving both of these major problems with, involving REMUX-ONLY mode of operation (i.e. retaining 100% original "raw copy" of BluRay-compliant underlying EAC-3 audio and MPEG-4 video in the output, simply producing new M2TS wrapper output from the MP4 wrapper original WITH NO RE-ENCODING OF ANY KIND).

Hopefully there will be a new to try before too long.
Posts: 34
Joined: Mon Nov 02, 2020 2:16 am

Re: Please help this newbie: fails with "running low on memory"

Post by DSperber »

The original purpose of this thread was to ask for help with the fact that CXtoHD was failing to complete when running in REMUX-ONLY mode (i.e. direct copy of both audio and video from input to output, simply remuxing from MP4 input to M2TS output), producing a "running low on memory" symptom.

This "memory leak" problem was reported to VSO, and they fixed it with beta version

Since this issue has now been addressed and resolved, I am officially closing this thread as "SOLVED".

However beta version itself now exhibited its own problems with REMUX-ONLY mode:

(a) when two or more MP4 files are input to the conversion, the program crashes and does not complete.

(b) when one MP4 file is input the program completes normally. However the resulting output BluRay folder (or burned disc) produces NO AUDIBLE AUDIO when playing the one main title.

In order to continue new ongoing discussion of the new problems with I have started a separate new thread in this forum. Please address your ongoing attention to problems with REMUX-ONLY mode to that other thread.

Rhis thread is now closed.
Posts: 11
Joined: Sat Sep 28, 2019 6:54 pm

Re: Please help this newbie: fails with "running low on memory"

Post by modmoomita »

This insufficient memory error is annoying and it has been going on and on for almost 2 years. When it happens to me, I have to restart the computer and do the conversion again when the computer just starts and have to reduce the videos/clips to convert to fewer than 12 title.
Post Reply