Version has problems with some audioformats and crashes while initializing.
Profile is copying audio and converting video to make it smaller.
Copying +-- [audio #2 - ac3 main audio, 48000 kHz, 2 Ch., 192 kbps [suomi]] works fine,
but copying +-- [audio #3 - pcm_bluray main audio, 48000 kHz, 6 Ch., 4608 kbps [suomi]] crashes with error: [muxer][matroska]: No wav codec tag found for codec pcm_bluray
Original is ripped from BR disc to hard drive and converted from there.
Code: Select all
:crash_log='C:\ProgramData\VSO\VSO Video Converter\1\Log\VSO Video Converter 1_crashlog_.20131114.111224.975.log'
:event_header='{time} {type}'
:ShortDateFormat=dd mmm
11:14:44.817 Info Conversion process has been aborted by user
11:14:40.230 Info h264: using hardware decoder adapter #0 - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 Ti, vendor 0x10DE (NVIDIA), device 0x1183, revision 161
11:14:40.181 Info h264: using hardware decoder adapter #0 - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 Ti, vendor 0x10DE (NVIDIA), device 0x1183, revision 161
11:14:40.195 Info [ ] Two pass encoding
11:14:44.804 Warning File encoding cancelled by user: varessnk - Main feature.mkv - Custom profiles FHD
11:14:40.242 ------------ +-> [subtitle #7 - dvd_subtitle subtitle, 1920x1080 [Unspecified]]
+-- [subtitle #7 - hdmv_pgs_subtitle subtitle]
+-> [subtitle #6 - dvd_subtitle subtitle, 1920x1080 [Unspecified]]
+-- [subtitle #6 - hdmv_pgs_subtitle subtitle]
+-> [subtitle #5 - dvd_subtitle subtitle, 1920x1080 [Unspecified]]
+-- [subtitle #5 - hdmv_pgs_subtitle subtitle]
+-> [subtitle #4 - dvd_subtitle subtitle, 1920x1080 [Unspecified]]
+-- [subtitle #4 - hdmv_pgs_subtitle subtitle]
+-> [subtitle #3 - dvd_subtitle subtitle, 1920x1080 [Unspecified]]
+-- [subtitle #3 - hdmv_pgs_subtitle subtitle]
+-> [audio #2 - RAW copy]
+-- [audio #2 - ac3 main audio, 48000 kHz, 2 Ch., 192 kbps [suomi]]
+-> [video #1 - h264_cuda video, 1920x1080, , 16x9, 23,98Fps, 10357 Kbps [Unspecified]]
+-- [video #1 - h264 video, 1920x1080, 23,98Fps, YUV420P, 1,00 [Unspecified]]
************* varessnk - Main feature -> varessnk - Main feature.mkv - FHD *************
11:14:40.240 Info Chapters to generate: 11
11:14:40.145 Group ******************** varessnk - Main feature -> varessnk - Main feature.mkv ********************|GK_TITLESET|
11:14:39.082 Group File encoding session started at 11:14:40: 1 sequence(s) to encode|GK_CONVERT_SESSION|
11:14:32.149 Info h264: using hardware decoder adapter #0 - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 Ti, vendor 0x10DE (NVIDIA), device 0x1183, revision 161
^^^Repeated 2 Times in 5 second(s) 696 millisecond(s)^^^
11:13:16.191 Info An error occured while converting
11:13:15.966 Info h264: using hardware decoder adapter #0 - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 Ti, vendor 0x10DE (NVIDIA), device 0x1183, revision 161
11:13:15.911 Info h264: using hardware decoder adapter #0 - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 Ti, vendor 0x10DE (NVIDIA), device 0x1183, revision 161
11:13:15.923 Info [ ] Two pass encoding
11:13:16.178 Error Error while initializing file: varessnk - Main feature.mkv - Custom profiles FHD
11:13:16.163 Error [muxer][matroska]: No wav codec tag found for codec pcm_bluray
11:13:15.979 ------------ +-> [subtitle #7 - dvd_subtitle subtitle, 1920x1080 [Unspecified]]
+-- [subtitle #7 - hdmv_pgs_subtitle subtitle]
+-> [subtitle #6 - dvd_subtitle subtitle, 1920x1080 [Unspecified]]
+-- [subtitle #6 - hdmv_pgs_subtitle subtitle]
+-> [subtitle #5 - dvd_subtitle subtitle, 1920x1080 [Unspecified]]
+-- [subtitle #5 - hdmv_pgs_subtitle subtitle]
+-> [subtitle #4 - dvd_subtitle subtitle, 1920x1080 [Unspecified]]
+-- [subtitle #4 - hdmv_pgs_subtitle subtitle]
+-> [subtitle #3 - dvd_subtitle subtitle, 1920x1080 [Unspecified]]
+-- [subtitle #3 - hdmv_pgs_subtitle subtitle]
+-> [audio #2 - RAW copy]
+-- [audio #3 - pcm_bluray main audio, 48000 kHz, 6 Ch., 4608 kbps [suomi]]
+-> [video #1 - h264_cuda video, 1920x1080, , 16x9, 23,98Fps, 10357 Kbps [Unspecified]]
+-- [video #1 - h264 video, 1920x1080, 23,98Fps, YUV420P, 1,00 [Unspecified]]
************* varessnk - Main feature -> varessnk - Main feature.mkv - FHD *************
11:13:15.978 Info Chapters to generate: 11
11:13:15.872 Group ******************** varessnk - Main feature -> varessnk - Main feature.mkv ********************|GK_TITLESET|
11:13:13.100 Group File encoding session started at 11:13:15: 1 sequence(s) to encode|GK_CONVERT_SESSION|
11:12:59.536 Info h264: using hardware decoder adapter #0 - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 Ti, vendor 0x10DE (NVIDIA), device 0x1183, revision 161
^^^Repeated 3 Times in 8 second(s) 676 millisecond(s)^^^
11:12:43.735 Info Loaded Blu-Ray from: e:\slip\vares5\varessnk\bdmv\index.bdmv
11:12:43.688 Info Found features
^^^Repeated 2 Times in 40 millisecond(s)^^^
11:12:43.673 Info Build OK
11:12:43.627 Info Source is OK
11:12:43.559 Info Media loaded
11:12:43.386 Info Loading Blu-Ray from: e:\slip\vares5\varessnk\bdmv\index.bdmv
11:12:24.989 Info Using Advanced SPTI interface
11:12:24.989 Group Burn engine events
11:12:24.988 Info Total Physical Memory : 16360 Mb.)
Available Physical Memory : 9416 Mb.
Memory Load : 42%
Total Virtual Memory : 2047 Mb.
Available Virtual Memory : 1740 Mb.
Available extended Virtual Memory : 0 Mb.
Total Memory : 32719 Mb.
Available Memory : 25405 Mb.
11:12:24.988 Info Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30GHz with 4 core(s) CPU
Pipeline(s): 4 - parallelize up to 4
Supported instruction set: MMX,sse,sse2,sse3,ssse3,sse41,sse42,avx,aes
11:12:24.980 Info OS : Windows 7 (64 bits), Build 7601, service pack 1.0
file name : C:\Program Files (x86)\VSO\VSO Video Converter\1\vsoVideoConverter.exe
file version :
User language : suomi (Suomi)
System language : suomi (Suomi)
11:12:24.974 ------------ ************************vsoVideoConverter.exe:3260 Log session start 2013-11-14 at 11:12:22.100*************************