v1.6.0.27 Strange Behaviour...

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v1.6.0.27 Strange Behaviour...

Post by mue.mat »

After burning BluRay disc with several video files (--> is working perfectly) I try to play BluRay-disc first on my laptop. But unfortunately disc is playing only the first (of f.e. 8) video files.
I tried out with VLC media player and MPC-HC (all the same, just playing the first video file).
In older versions all the video files were "put" together to play the disc.
Playing the same BluRay-disc in BluRay-player, everything is working fine, that means disc menu is appearing and I can select the video file to play which I want.
Thanks for help and repairing the bug
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Re: v1.6.0.27 Strange Behaviour...

Post by JJ »

VLC and MPC HC are not playing menu on BR.
They start from first file. You can advance to next or jump directly to any file with their own commands.
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