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Re: HEVC Format - Supported?

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2018 12:44 pm
by rfolly
rfolly wrote:
JJ wrote:Sure it can convert standard HEVC files.
Try these:

Your sample is made with Quicktime and it seems not to be totally standard. Not the first time when Apple creates its own "standards" that are not working properly with any thing else than Apple.
It looks like this my file was generated from Adobe Premiere by the person who sent me the same. So the way would be to turn this file into H264 and then use the X7 Converter?
Sorry, the program that generates the H265 files I get via the internet is KDENLIVE (linux).

Re: HEVC Format - Supported?

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2018 12:55 pm
by JJ
Sorry, the program that generates the H265 files I get via the internet is KDENLIVE (linux).
It does not matter as long as codec used is QT - that is Apple product.
But - I just downloaded FFMPEG package, and then simple conversion without any tweaking (quality might be better with some tweaking) with command line.

FFMPEG -i "input_video" Output.mp4 - nothing more.

Re: HEVC Format - Supported?

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2018 2:44 am
by Coral

Re: HEVC Format - Supported?

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2018 2:25 pm
by rfolly
rfolly wrote:
JJ wrote:Actually it seems that this is even easier.
I just finished converting your sample file to H264 and it can be easily converted now, quality looks about the same but size is only minimal compared to original.
Check this one and tell if it is good enough ... 09Lm_0djX7
did you use which program to convert and what parameters?
It happens that the original file of the filming is in MPEG-2 and when using H265 codec the generated file is about 50% smaller than when using the H264 codec. And this facilitates downloading over the internet.

Re: HEVC Format - Supported?

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2018 6:22 pm
by JJ
rfolly wrote:It happens that the original file of the filming is in MPEG-2 and when using H265 codec the generated file is about 50% smaller than when using the H264 codec. And this facilitates downloading over the internet.
Sure, but in this case H265 encoded file was about 1.3gig but when converted to H264 it was only 230Mb - about one tenth, it should be the other way but for some reason it was not.