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Choose output based on bitrate, not filesize

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 6:45 am
by steptoe
Is there an option planned that will enable the user to set the maximum bitrate per project, instead of the maximum filesize, but also giving the user what the approximate filesize will be with that given user set bitrate instead of the given filesize affecting the predicted quality as a percentage

Also, a queue option so I can set a few projects running overnight or when I am not around instead of one project at a time, as at present

Re: Choose output based on bitrate, not filesize

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 7:51 am
by cedric

I'm working on "user profile" where you will be able to create your own profile (container, video & audio codec, min & max bitrate...), I think this feature will be good for you.

I don't know which output format you use, but if you convert to a single file format (not DVD), you can add all "titles" you want in same project.
In old versions, the project was cleared before opening a new HD structure, but in last versions you can open all HD structures you want, you will be prompted to keep the previous project or not.


Re: Choose output based on bitrate, not filesize

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 7:10 pm
by steptoe
That sounds like something that would be useful

Thanks for the reply