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Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 8:43 pm
by davidgoyer
It's a nice software to play movies but it lacks DVD controls like jump to next/previous chapters, shortcuts to chapters... you should review that... and, for good's sake, the spanish translation is a mess!!!! How can I help with that?


Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 8:57 am
by Claire

Message received. Let's wait for Felicia's reply. He is busy but will get back to you end of next week.


Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 4:25 pm
by felicia

Sorry for the delay & thanks for the feedback.

For the next, previous and quick access chapter controls, they will be implemented in the next version.
For the translation I think it's not up to date, I'll check it and get back to you.


Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 4:45 pm
by davidgoyer
Thanks for the answer felicia, I think it could be my first option (i'm currently using kmplayer) if I could help improve vsoplayer... spanish translation it's poor and needs to be updated, again if could help let me know how (i made the spanish translation for writemonkey (free writing software))

Best regards.


Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 6:04 pm
by JoeB
davidgoyer wrote:Thanks for the answer felicia, I think it could be my first option (i'm currently using kmplayer) if I could help improve vsoplayer... spanish translation it's poor and needs to be updated, again if could help let me know how (i made the spanish translation for writemonkey (free writing software))

Best regards.
I Googled Writemonkey out of curiosity. While it seems to be a legit program and CNET gives it 5 stars, I did NOT click on the link Google returned for the home page of Writemonkey because it had the Google warning that said "This site might harm your computer." This could mean anything from the fact that the site is pushing something to the visitors computer to their being some malicious code in the page. If the latter it might not be the fault of the Writemonkey people but could indicate a hacked site. Just thought you should know and perhaps bring this up to the Writemonkey people.




Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 6:58 pm
by davidgoyer
Thanks for the warning but it was a google problem not the writemonkey page... I recomend you to try writemonkey as a zenwriting program, it is a great distraction free writing program


Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 12:43 am
by JoeB
davidgoyer wrote:Thanks for the warning but it was a google problem not the writemonkey page... I recomend you to try writemonkey as a zenwriting program, it is a great distraction free writing program
I did download and install the program from CNET. When I have time I'll give it a try. Thanks for the info.




Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 7:47 pm
by peleus
Hi Joe. I would like to know your personal opinion if you were able to try this yet.


Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 12:30 am
by JoeB
peleus wrote:Hi Joe. I would like to know your personal opinion if you were able to try this yet.
I won't have time to give it any kind of a workout for awhile, but I admit there is something about the completely uncluttered interface (using a creamy coloured background that I set up just because I like it :-) that is relaxing, kind of like reading a book. So I can see the potential of it to provide the same type of "feel" when writing a book. The problem, of course, will be the learning curve in terms of learning the quickest method of formatting, saving and retrieving notes, etc., and right now I don't have the time to get into that stuff. But I expect I'll give it more of a test drive when time permits, but don't expect that to be in the very near future. Just too much real life happening, and even moreso given it's summer.

