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Converting iso-files to Ipad mini and Apple TV

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 6:59 pm
by lzy
Hi, I'm new on Video Converter and on this Forum.
As English is not my mainlanguage I have some troubles to find out how to use the Video converter.

I have iso-files which I want to convert into smaller files, so I'm able to stream them using AirPlay: 1. from PC to Ipad mini, 2. from PC to Apple TV and 3. from Ipad mini to Apple TV.

The iso-files normally are
mpeg2video video,
about 720x480
about 25 - 29,97 Fps
1,19 or 1,42

Language English / or original
Subtitles: xx (they are always a part of the iso-fil - not an extern file (srt??)

How can I set up the Video Converter? I have tried different ways but sometimes the video-streamer not regionize the subtitles and/or sometimes the Picture on the TV screen is much to small (there is a large Black frame around the video)

Som understanding issues:
What is the container (input or output?)
What is "codec": Output format?

Please help me before I get even more grey hairs :)

Br. lzy

Re: Converting iso-files to Ipad mini and Apple TV

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 4:53 pm
by cedric
Hello lzy,

And welcome to VSO forum!

Before posting, please can you take a look to our online guide: ... format.php
