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Batch Mode - Is there a way to add multiple files/folders

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 8:50 am
by steptoe
I'm looking to add multiple DVD rips so I can run the conversion overnight, instead of at present one folder/file at a time

I'm converting our DVD/blu-ray episode discs to MKV format just using straight muxing to MKV to put onto out mediaplayer to reduce the amount of discs cluttering the shelves. Maily cartoons/disney films to keep the kids happier and protect our originals

Can VSO Batcher be changed to work with VSO Video Converter, or a batch mode added so that each folder/file is treated as a single project to keep them in separate folders for ease of access later and also an option to have each new file/folder treated as one project

This way episode discs have their own folder, and film rips can go in its own folder

All discs have been pre-ripped onto hard drive so they are all ready to convert to remuxed MKV, but as above have to be converted to MKV one episode disc at a time which is tiem consuming and means it can't just be left overnight to be completed and ready to transfer onto the media player the following day


Great software and probably the easiest to use, and I've tried/used a few. Simple filters to remove/reduce noise would be a very nice addition though


Just tried adding another file/folder, there is a batch mode but for single projects only. So everything is considered a single project. If I add multiple folders/files I would like the option of them treated as individual projects so they are created in their own folders with the source folder/disc as the project title

Re: Batch Mode - Is there a way to add multiple files/folder

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 4:48 pm
by Sat32
I like the separate projects thing to.

and it would nice to have a setting for the converter to automatically add forced subs only "burned into video" then what ever subtitles desired as a stream.


Re: Batch Mode - Is there a way to add multiple files/folder

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 12:49 pm
by Wout000
I'd like this as well.

Just allow the addition of multiple video files with their own encoding settings and treat them separate as they come down the line, one by one.
This would allow for creating multiple projects all in one window with different outputs.

Re: Batch Mode - Is there a way to add multiple files/folder

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 9:23 am
by Claire
Sat32 wrote:and it would nice to have a setting for the converter to automatically add forced subs only "burned into video" then what ever subtitles desired as a stream.
I think the software cannot tell what stream is the "forced subtitle" so human intervention is necessary.
Ultimately I guess you are requested for the possibility of having subtitles embedded and also not embedded, currently you can only have either or option but not both.
You could get this result by doing two conversions, 1st embedding and then another conversion with the other subtitle track without embedding the other subtitle tracks. I suggest trying as the eventual problem with this method is that you have 2 subtitles that will display at the same time and actually not be readable at all. If you find serveral example where this works and is not a problem then maybe we would consider adding it to the product.

Re: Batch Mode - Is there a way to add multiple files/folder

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 9:28 am
by Claire
steptoe wrote: a batch mode added so that each folder/file is treated as a single project to keep them in separate folders for ease of access later
I think the option in the settings under General/Output "Output folder generation method: Do not add additonal path" should be a solution to this problem
also an option to have each new file/folder treated as one project
This way episode discs have their own folder, and film rips can go in its own folder
I am not sure I understand this, can you provide an example (an image would be even better).