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Feature Request: Increase AAC audio bitrate to 160 kbps

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 7:48 pm
by TrueAudio
Hi, I remember along time ago, VSO video converter only went up to 96kbps per channel for encoding/remuxing, and then 128kbps was put in. I was wondering if this can be extended (for AAC) to say, up to 160kbps (or even 224 for that matter) to have fidelity even closer to DTS-HD Master Audio.

Re: Feature Request: Increase AAC audio bitrate to 160 kbps

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 8:08 pm
by JJ
This depends on output format, you simply can't use more than what is allowed.

Re: Feature Request: Increase AAC audio bitrate to 160 kbps

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 2:22 am
by TrueAudio
[quote="JJ"]This depends on output format, you simply can't use more than what is allowed.[/quote]
The output format does support it. 224 Kb/s aac is equivalent to 448 Kb/s ac3 5.1 multi-channel for example.

Re: Feature Request: Increase AAC audio bitrate to 160 kbps

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 12:38 pm
by Cougar_II

If I recall, one of the developpers once told me this value is a "Per" channel value.

Just like JJ explained it, you select 64kb/s, the output will have 128kb/s