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NVENC CRF does not work properly

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 1:10 pm
by cribber
Constant Rate Factor (CRF in Custom Profile) doesn't work properly when using NVENC. CRF 18 gives exactly the same results as CRF 22. It also is NOT using variable bitrate.

It works OK when using NVCUVENC and IS variable bitrate (but is obviously a lot lot slower).

Too many bugs. Is NVENC even working properly because it's a lot slower than rival converters ?

GPU acceleration as a whole seems to be bugged because QuickSync doesn't work either.

Re: NVENC CRF does not work properly

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 4:20 pm
by cedric
Hello cribber,

"Constant Rate Factor (CRF in Custom Profile) doesn't work properly when using NVENC"
-> should be fixed in last beta version:

"Is NVENC even working properly because it's a lot slower than rival converters ?"
-> Like I already asked, do you know what encoding settings are used in "rival" converters? If yes, please can you post them.
Are you sure that you're comparing the same things?

"GPU acceleration as a whole seems to be bugged because QuickSync doesn't work either."
->QuickSync should works using last beta too, I'm waiting for your feedback...

PS: QuickSync software encoder use exactly the same implementation as QuickSync hardware, but use CPU.
To enable QuickSync software encoding option, you just need to install Intel Media SDK (then reboot):
