Page 1 of 1 New Problem Fixed Old Problem Not

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2014 3:15 pm
by rwmol
I thought I was hallucinating when my secure stream download files disappeared. Thanks for fixing that.

The issue I brought up months age still persists:

I load VSO Downloader.exe in the Startup Folder. I like it there should something come up I want to immediately download. I like to keep it at Stop Detection so unwanted files aren't downloaded. When the computer goes to sleep then reawakens, it reverts back to Start Detection. I was told some time ago that this issue had been verified and a fix would be coming. Waiting still.

Problem first reported 8/21/1914 and a reply was received. Seven Versions back.

Re: New Problem Fixed Old Problem Not

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 1:21 pm
by Claire
Fixed in the version just published.

Re: New Problem Fixed Old Problem Not

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 1:45 pm
by rwmol
Thank you.

I noticed that the download was much faster in this latest release. Did you make some changes in your server?

Also, what is the significance in the number in each version? All the versions in the past had 675. now this latest has 588.

Re: New Problem Fixed Old Problem Not

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 1:52 pm
by Claire
The name of the exe file can change depending on pages you've been to. This is in relation to our affilites.

The name of the .exe doesnt matter (if there is a number it is associated with an affiliate id - companies promoting our software). The number that matters is our version number displayed in about section of our software.