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video bitrate lock since ConvertXtoHD beta release

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 5:51 pm
by copycat29
I just want to report there seems to be a bug or something with the program since the beta release and still hasn't been fixed in the latest beta or final version.

When you start the encoding process, under encoding session started, Titleset it is showing that the video kbps is going to be 16000kbps after the encoding is finished.

It still says the finished video quality will be 16000 kbps no matter what setting you use and even selecting BD-25 or BD-50 as the target size, it is still saying the video kbps is going to be 16000kbps.

I have tested this on 3 different media files with the same result. I haven`t let the program finish the encoding thought to see if the finished results is a video bitrate quality of 16000 kbps.

Code: Select all

:std_log='C:\ProgramData\VSO\ConvertXtoHD\1\Log\ConvertXtoHD 1_mainlog_.20150326.220545.183.log'
:event_header='{time}  {type}'
:ShortDateFormat=dd mmm

22:05:45.171  ------------    **********************ConvertXToHD.exe:3692 Log session stop after 13 second(s) 592 millisecond(s)**********************
22:05:41.549  Info            User requested cancellation
22:05:41.849  Info                Conversion cancelled after 00:00:06
22:05:35.342  Info                    [ ] Loop playback
22:05:35.341  Info                    [ ] Play titles one after the other
22:05:35.341  Info                    [ ] Return to title menu after titleset playback
22:05:35.340  Info                    [x] Skip root menu initially
22:05:35.339  Info                    [x] Auto-start playback
22:05:35.339  Info                    No menu generated
22:05:35.339  Group               Blu-ray/AVCHD menu options
22:05:35.338  Info                    Output target size : BD-25 (23000 MB)
22:05:35.338  Info                    Number of core(s) used for encoding : 32
22:05:35.337  Info                    Number of core(s) used for decoding : 32
22:05:35.337  Info                    [x] Use 2 pass encoding
22:05:35.336  Info                    [x] Use best video quality settings
22:05:35.336  Info                    [ ] Use hardware encoding (if possible)
22:05:35.335  Info                    [ ] Use hardware decoding (if possible)
22:05:35.334  Info                    Max simultaneous conversions: 16
22:05:35.334  Group               Advanced encoding options
22:05:41.747  Warning                 File encoding cancelled by user: 00000.m2ts
22:05:35.452  ------------            +--> [audio #2 - RAW copy]
                                      +-[audio [eng] ac3 main audio 2 Ch., 48000 Hz, 384 Kbps]
                                      +--> [video #1 - h264 video, 1920x1080, yuv420p, 16x9, 25.00Fps, 16000 Kbps [un]]
                                      +-[video h264 1920x1080 16:9 yuv420p, 25.00 fps, 0 Kbps]
                                      Output file: G:\Raising.Cain.1992.1080i.HDTV.DD2.0.H.264-SkyHD\BDMV\STREAM\00000.m2ts (Blu-ray)
                                      Input file: G:\Raising.Cain.1992.1080i.HDTV.DD2.0.H.264-SkyHD.ts
                                      Video filters used: 
                                      - Output pixel format: YUV420P
                                      - DeInterlace filter: FFmpeg
                                      - Scale filter: lanczos (vso). Fit method: letterbox (Padding: top: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, right: 0. Cropping: top: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, right: 0)
22:05:35.451  Info                    Chapters to generate: 18
22:05:35.322  Info                    Added in conversion queue list...
22:05:35.216  Group               ******************** Titleset #1 - ~87 min. File: "Raising.Cain.1992.1080i.HDTV.DD2.0.H.264-SkyHD" -> 00000.m2ts - Blu-ray ********************|GK_TITLESET|
22:05:35.214  Info                Encoding options: Short Projects (Automatic)
22:05:35.213  Info                Target size: 22.5 Gb.
22:05:35.155  Info                Don't log FFMpeg log events
22:05:35.152  ------------        ***************************************************Burn settings end****************************************************
22:05:35.152  Info                Default speed selected: 4x
22:05:35.151  Info                [ ] Delete vsomsl files after burn complete
22:05:35.151  Info                [ ] Delete output folder after burn complete
22:05:35.151  Info                [ ] Don't eject disc or open output folder in explorer, after burn complete
22:05:35.150  Info                SAO setting: Automatic
22:05:35.150  Info                [ ] Burn result to disk / as ISO file in working folder
22:05:35.150  ------------        **************************************************Burn settings begin***************************************************
22:05:35.150  Group           Encoding session started at 10:05:35 PM: 1 titleset(s) to encode -> Cancelled after 00:00:06|GK_CONVERT_SESSION|
22:05:33.104  Info                    #1 h264 1920x1080 16:9 yuv420p, 25.00 fps, 0 Kbps
22:05:33.103  Group               Video streams
22:05:33.103  Info                    #2 [eng] ac3 main audio 2 Ch., 48000 Hz, 384 Kbps - English
22:05:33.103  Group               Audio streams
22:05:33.103  Group           Added file: G:\Raising.Cain.1992.1080i.HDTV.DD2.0.H.264-SkyHD.ts
22:05:29.707  Info            Menu templates loaded: 36
22:05:29.012  Info            Total Physical Memory : 16253 Mb.
                              Available Physical Memory : 14069 Mb.
                              Memory Load  : 13%
                              Total Virtual Memory : 4095 Mb.
                              Available Virtual Memory : 3799 Mb.
                              Available extended Virtual Memory : 0 Mb.
                              Total Memory : 32505 Mb.
                              Available Memory : 30195 Mb.
22:05:29.012  Info            Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5960X CPU @ 3.00GHz with 16 core(s) CPU
                              Pipeline(s): 16 - parallelize up to 16
                              Supported instruction set: MMX,sse,sse2,sse3,ssse3,sse41,sse42,avx,avx2,bmi1,bmi2,aes,Fma3
22:05:29.007  Info            OS : Windows 7 (64 bits), Build 7601, service pack 1.0
                              file name : C:\Program Files (x86)\VSO\ConvertXtoHD\1\ConvertXToHD.exe
                              file version :
                              User language   : English (United Kingdom)
                              System language : English (United Kingdom)
22:05:28.424  Info            Loading templates from: "C:\ProgramData\VSO\ConvertXtoHD\1\templates"
22:05:28.424  ------------    ***************************ConvertXToHD.exe:3692 Log session start 2015-03-26 at 22:05:28.257***************************
22:05:28.423  Info                1 writer(s) found.
22:05:28.395  Group           Burn engine events
By the way, I have just noticed that other members are getting the same issue when using version1.0.0.42 or higher. ... 18610.html

I checked the posted logs in the topic above and the 16000 Kbps is displaying for them as well.

Check crazylazy89 second and third log he posted and also the log that cedric posted in that topic.

They all display 16000 Kbps in the log in the same place.

Usually that part of the log, the Kbps goes up or down depending on the media file itself and the settings you use
but since version1.0.0.42 or higher, it keeps on saying 16000 Kbps regardless of the media file and settings used.

I have downgraded back to ConvertXtoHD version final as this version doesn't suffer from
this issue and shows the proper Kbps in the log based on the settings you've selected.

Here is a screenshot of ConvertXtoHD version with the exact same settings and media file.
As you can see, it is displaying the correct Kbps in the log for the media file and settings I have used.

Re: video bitrate lock since ConvertXtoHD beta rel

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 5:51 pm
by copycat29
I have just done a test and yes it seems they have locked the video bitrate for some unknown reason since
ConvertXtoHD beta release to 16000 kbps no matter the quality of the source media file.

This means say you load a media file into the program that has a higher video bitrate than 16000 kbps, you
are not even going to get near original quality of the source file after the encoding is complete.

This makes this program useless now if you intend to convert a high quality mkv, etc blu-ray rips or HDTV rips
to blu-ray with this program and want to keep as much of the original quality as possible.

I have no idea what made them limit the video bitrate to a maximum of 16000 kbps like this but they have made
a big mistake doing this because 16000 kbps isn't a very great video bitrate for a blu-ray and the blu-ray format
supports way higher video bitrate than this.

Also the programs 50-bd target size option is now redundant as well since the video bitrate lock because you
can easily fit a encode with a 16000 kbps video bitrate on a 25-bd disc without losing the quality.

This change just doesn't make much sense. Claire responded above that it will help with player compatibility
but the program shouldn't need to be video bitrate limited like this in order to keep player compatibility.

This suggests to me the issue lies with this program as many other programs out there can encode with high
video bitrate and maintain player compatibility. It seems to me they have ran into player compatibility
issues and crippled / limited the programs video bitrate in one way to solve it.

I personally haven`t ran into player compatibility issues when using this program.

I would suggest those that don't like this change to downgrade back to ConvertXtoHD version
final for now as this version doesn't suffer from this.

Perhaps the VSO team can explain why they have crippled the video bitrate like this in the program?

I would also like to hear what other users of this program think of this change?

Re: video bitrate lock since ConvertXtoHD beta rel

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 7:00 am
by renits
I have noticed the same problem and have gone back to,i don't understand why the bit-rate has been locked and limited to 16000 kbps,where version i was getting 24400 kbps max bit-rate.
I would like to see this changed back or at least put in a (slider or some way to adjust the bit-rate manually) and let the user decide what bit-rate would suite them, i think this would be a great option for everyone.
Thanks Copycat29 for the original issue post,nice work


Re: video bitrate lock since ConvertXtoHD beta rel

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 4:29 pm
by copycat29
I just don't understand it either why they had to limit the video bit rate a low as this. If they have had to do that in order to solve player compatibility issues
then they should find another way to solve these issues rather than crippling the program or at least give the user an option within the program to have the
video bit rate locked for better player compatibility or not and to let the program decide the video bit rate you get based on the settings you've chosen and
the media file like it did before they put in the lock in since the beta release.

The program is now completely useless when the video bit rate is locked as low as this especially when you tend to convert high video bitrate media files to
Blu-ray and want to maintain as much of the original media file quality as possible.

I had bought this program because I saw it as being a quality product and useful to me and allows me to maintain as much as the original source file quality
as possible. Crippling the program like this makes it not worth the money they are asking for it and a waste of money for those that have bought it.

For now I will be sticking to ConvertXtoHD version in hope they sort this out. If they don't sort it then I guess they will end up losing customers and
users will look elsewhere for another similar program which isn't crippled in any way like this.

Re: video bitrate lock since ConvertXtoHD beta rel

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 9:56 am
by cedric
Hi all,

Like you thought, the 16Mbit/s video bitrate was implemented to check if it fixed the Blu-ray players seek/freeze problems.
We are working on this hardware players problem at this time, but the video bitrate limit will be removed for next versions (coming soon)


Re: video bitrate lock since ConvertXtoHD beta rel

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 2:26 pm
by copycat29
Thanks cedric for letting us know the 16Mbit/s video bitrate limit has only been implanted temporarily and will be removed on the next version.