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Check For Update

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 11:06 am
by SomeoneElse
Why does check for update say I am using the latest version when my version is and on here it says the latest version is and that it's a public version?

Also I am curious which resize method was used to cause issue 0010508 in the version log.

Re: Check For Update

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 2:13 pm
by Claire
We have set up our software to inform users when a software update is available when we tell it to (rather than when there is systematically a new version). This avoids have thousands of users from updating to a version that might have a problem we are unaware of. Only when we are sure of a version do we then tell the software to inform you there is an update, so sometimes there is an update on our website that our software has not told you of, but sooner or later it will tell you a new update is available and it opens our website for you to download the new version.

As for but 10508 it is not related to a resize method as far as I know (at least not a filter one could choose from in our software)

Re: Check For Update

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 2:35 pm
by SomeoneElse
ok thanks!