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Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 4:22 am
by SomeoneElse
I may end up making all the discs I want with the current version, but just in case I do want more discs later on, I was going to mention some suggestions.

1. ability to rearrange the order of titles. I don't see any way, once I have already a ded titles, to be able to reorder them.

2. ability to take a previously converted title and add it into a new project and have it use it without having to convert it again.

3. ability to not have any chapter menu.

4. Be able to somehow retain chapter marks from previous discs we are converting.

5. ability to manually make chapter marks. (I haven't noticed that, if it's already a feature).

So far the latest beta has not had any issues come up for me, but I haven't tried much yet.

(for #3, I think I can simply check skip root menu to do what I need, anyway. I thought root menu was the main menu, which now I think is title menu)

Re: Suggestions

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 2:58 pm
by Claire
1) select a file you have added and use the blue arrows in under the main menu to order the files or do so by right clicking on the file
2) not possible, is far too risky and we will not do
3) you can choose menus "CX2 style" or "minimal - no root"
4 + 5) yes see default settings the section chapters (you can import source chapters), also under preview window there is a tab chapters and you can manually set chapter points where you want, see our guide

Thanks for your feedback

Re: Suggestions

Posted: Mon May 02, 2016 9:42 am
by SomeoneElse
For #1, I sure thought I tried that, but I will try again. I never tried right clicking, probably, but I tried using the blue arrows, I thought.

For #3, yeah I know, but just was suggesting maybe some day adding the option for other menus. No big deal for me though.

Thanks for the responses. I didn't realize you could already do all of that with chapters.

Re: Suggestions

Posted: Tue May 17, 2016 12:38 pm
by Claire
for 3, if there are no chapters, then no chapter menu will be created. So delete them or change this in your general settings so no chapters are created.

Re: Suggestions

Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 3:36 pm
by SomeoneElse
That's not what I wanted, though. I wanted chapters, but no chapter menu. It's fine, though. It is no big deal. :)