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Smart Copy Question on Warning

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 4:16 pm
by ron spencer
I am curious why the Smart Copy option says "Try to copy even if source is a single file (less compatible)" Just because it is a single file does not make it less compatible, as you are just remuxing. The warning should be on file format/encoding parameters used. This may sound pedantic, but the warning is confusing. I think "Try to copy a single file (potentially less compatible)" is better.

Re: Smart Copy Question on Warning

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2017 8:40 am
by Claire
"Just because it is a single file does not make it less compatible" in practice this has not always been true, thus the formulation and current integration in CovertXtoHD.
Inherently the file format and encoding is taken into account by the engine when deciding whether it can apply or not the smart copy option

Re: Smart Copy Question on Warning

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2017 12:56 am
by DnX vsofan
Quiero pedirles ayuda con una función de "smart copy" , al momento de hacer el remixeado la memoria ram de mi equipo se carga demasiado y después de remixear casi 4 gb se detiene el proceso y en ocasiones muestra el error de "memoria insuficiente".
Mi computadora tiene 8 gb de ram

Re: Smart Copy Question on Warning

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2017 10:02 am
by felicia
DnX vsofan wrote:Hola
Quiero pedirles ayuda con una función de "smart copy" , al momento de hacer el remixeado la memoria ram de mi equipo se carga demasiado y después de remixear casi 4 gb se detiene el proceso y en ocasiones muestra el error de "memoria insuficiente".
Mi computadora tiene 8 gb de ram
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