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I have a quality question ...

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2016 6:42 pm
by Wesley0059
Hello :)

I might be interested, in this program. But I have a question or 3.

1) Is there a noticiable difference with Convertxtodvd in quality ?
I'm using a 55 inch 4K TV from Sony.
1080P against 720P (2 pass).

2) If I download a 4K movie of around 50 gigs MKV,
and convert it with ConvertxtoHD. Will the quality even be sharper ? Less pixels ?

3) Last question. On a Bluray disk of 25 gigs,
How much minutes of movies, can be converted before the quality goes down ?
Maximum: 2 hours movie ? 3 hours ? 4 hours ?
So again, only 1 movie per BLURAY disk, for best quality ?

That's like paying 3-5 euro's for a movie (empty disk)
Ok, yes that's true. Buying a official BluRay costs much more.


Re: I have a quality question ...

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 11:13 am
by Hexagon
My experience is that only you can answer those question. What's good is often very personal.
Both programs can be tested for free for a while.

Yeah disks cost a few euro's but you can mostly avoid that.
Create all the disks you want but don't burn them. Just watch them on your PC (connected to your TV)

The best and most 'honest' way to test is as follows. Just my opinion....
- Get a short movie with the very best picture quality you can get.
- That movie should have lots of fast action scenes. You know panning and zooming real fast. That's demanding on the bitrate.
- The movie should also contain a lot of dark scenes because my experience is that those scenes often get artifacts.
- Now build discs on you HD with all the settings you like.

So if your movie is 1 hour long and you want to test a 5 hour disc just use add that same movie 5x to the conversion project. That way you are 100% sure that all the differences you see are caused by ConvertX2 instead of different movies.

Just an idea.

BTW you can also go for a using Kodi. Then you never have to burn anything.