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About convert from MKVs resolutions

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2017 3:53 am
by Hasbro
Hi guys I have some MKV movies with 720p, 1080p and just rips from it in 720x400/720x404 and I so need to know what the best source for convert to DVD?

And, when I try to convert to DVD, I can see this options, 2pass encoding and "use the best video quality" increment time, so I need that both options enable? just one? I mean, like I said is just for encoding from those resolutions

Thank you in advance!!

Re: About convert from MKVs resolutions

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2017 7:17 am
by Coral
Both options should improve the quality. Remember that the conversion will take much longer to finish.

Re: About convert from MKVs resolutions

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2017 10:37 pm
by Hasbro
Coral wrote:Both options should improve the quality. Remember that the conversion will take much longer to finish.
Hi Coral and thank you for answer me, about that I am lost here because I don´t know right know where I read that if I need to convert MKV to DVD (with Convertx of course), as we know Dvd resolution is 720x480 and some people said that convert from 720p or 1080p to 720x480 is a waste of time because you don´t get more quality , excuse me my ignorance about all this (?) and because that that people says if you have some bdrip with 720x400 and convert it to DVD you´ll get the same quality like those 720p or 1080p, I just want to know what is true and what is not? Obviously we are not talking about 2 pass and the option to improve quality, I wish to know about what to choose as source? 720p? 1080p? or just 720x400?

I really hope you can undestand me and thank you for your pacience

Have a good day

Re: About convert from MKVs resolutions

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2017 1:43 am
by Coral
Forget the extention for a while. It could be MKV, AVI or MP4 or any other extention. They can all have the same resolution. It is the compression method that will be different.

First of all you have to remember that the standard DVD resolution is 720 X 576 for PAL or 720 X 480 for NTSC.
Whatever the resolution of your movie, it will always be converted to one of these resolutions for standard DVD. So if you are converting from 720p or 1080p to DVD standard the, picture quality will be less . If you have to choose, go for the source with the higher resolution. You should get a better picture that way. In simple terms. It would be better to reduce the resolution (picture size) than to stretch it. As a conclusion, you can never get a better quality than the source.

Re: About convert from MKVs resolutions

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2017 11:23 pm
by Hasbro
Coral wrote:Forget the extention for a while. It could be MKV, AVI or MP4 or any other extention. They can all have the same resolution. It is the compression method that will be different.

Whatever the resolution of your movie, it will always be converted to one of these resolutions for standard DVD. So if you are converting from 720p or 1080p to DVD standard the, picture quality will be less . If you have to choose, go for the source with the higher resolution. You should get a better picture that way
Thank you again and just for get that clear, because I still not sure about, if DVD resolution is 720x480 and like you said the quality will be wors than HD obviously why you saying that is better for the best resolution if not matters if 720p or 1080p, DVDs resolution will be 720x480 isn´t? I though Bdrip resolution 720x400 (with 2pass and best video quality selected) was the same that the two another ones resolutions?

In simply worlds, I thought no matters what resolution I choose if I do select "2pass and best video quality selected" but you know, I just get confused here

ps: So far I was converted from 720p sources and the DVD quality was simply amazing, but all I need to do is to reduce the convertion time always of course keeping the best quality.

Coral I really hope you can understand because English is not my first language

Re: About convert from MKVs resolutions

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2017 5:29 am
by Coral
Let me put it this way. If your source is of HD quality (720p or 1080p) you should get beter DVD quality but the conversion time be longer because ConvertX will have to educe the rsolution from HD to DVD.
When you choose 2 pass with best quality the conversion time will be even longer but it doesn't mean that the quality will be better.
If your source is of poor quality you will not improve the result by choosing 2 pass. You will simply (perhaps) get better result that a one pass. A 2 pass will not give you better result than the original. The best thing is to experiment.

Re: About convert from MKVs resolutions

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2017 11:22 am
by Hasbro
Coral wrote:Let me put it this way. If your source is of HD quality (720p or 1080p) you should get beter DVD quality but the conversion time be longer because ConvertX will have to educe the rsolution from HD to DVD.
When you choose 2 pass with best quality the conversion time will be even longer but it doesn't mean that the quality will be better.
If your source is of poor quality you will not improve the result by choosing 2 pass. You will simply (perhaps) get better result that a one pass. A 2 pass will not give you better result than the original. The best thing is to experiment.
Hi Coral lets see if I get it, you´re saying that no matters if the source is 720p/1080p always I´ll get the best quality and if I uncheck 2pass and better video no matters on the final result about? I mean, the only thing important here is the 720 and 1080?

And second, if I get it too, for get the best quality 720p is excelent but 1080p as source is amazing? (considering the final will DVD?) or 1080p in this case is too much for this and 720p is amazing?

Re: About convert from MKVs resolutions

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2017 11:36 am
by Coral
In simple terms. The higher the source resolution the beter is the converted quality, on whatever settings one pass or two pass. But your converted quality can never be as good as the source.

Re: About convert from MKVs resolutions

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 12:33 am
by Hasbro
Coral wrote:In simple terms. The higher the source resolution the beter is the converted quality, on whatever settings one pass or two pass. But your converted quality can never be as good as the source.
Dear Coral first I want to thank you for your pacience and of course to that you saying about the source and for finally get it clear I have one more question, and so I have a 720p as source, if I unselect 2apss and better quality options I´ll get the same quality that if I do select both options?

Re: About convert from MKVs resolutions

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 9:46 am
by Coral
I have not fully understood your question. But I can tell you that if you have 720p you do not need to use 2 pass, better quality.
Use these options when your source is not so good, so you will get the best possible quality.

Re: About convert from MKVs resolutions

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 4:29 am
by Hasbro
Thank you very much for you help, have a nice week

Re: About convert from MKVs resolutions

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 5:13 pm
by deadlyshadow
I suggest you if you are concern about quality, always keep "Use Best Video Quality" Enabled, change downscaling filter to Lanczos or Cubic or Blackman. if time is not important for you and you have a powerful system, Enable Two Pass Encoding.
