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For what is WinPcap / VSO EVE?

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2017 3:45 pm
by dosibo51
During the installation of VSO downloader there are options to install the network drivers

- WinPcap (enabled by default) (latest version is 4.1.3 from March 2013)
- VSO EVE (NDIS driver - disabled by default)

I've read that VSO EVE should replace WinPcap sooner or later.

But why are these (other) network drivers exactly needed?

My normal Windows 10 adapter/driver is Intel Ethernet Connection I219-V. Wouldn't be the intel driver enough? What are the advantages of the others? Are there some requirements that VSO downloader can work without any problems? So do I really need the WinPcap or VSO EVE driver?

Thanks a lot.

(I just fresh installed my PC and want it as clear as possible).