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cannot convert to dvd if I use/insert srt subtitles

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2018 3:18 pm
by ttodd0450
Lately I have discovered a problem over the past 4 weeks., If I convert using an MP4 file it will convert ( conversion).. BUT if I add english subtitles ( .srt) It will fail before the burn ( voice says You have a problem)
My version is the latest version .

I have written to support about this and they say to to reinstall or update or whatever.. I think it is a new Problem with copyright protection built into the latest movie releases .. as this problem does bnot happen with much older titles or my own edited video 's ..

Is there a reported problem about this? Why after two or three failures in converting BUT by taking out the subtitle the conversion goes through .. ???

someone must know maybe ..?

Is there a build I can download prior to 7 ( such as 6 ) to test this theory of the latest build..? all my titles built before .52 Never had this problem and I have burnt over a thousand titles for myself ..
I have crash logs if need be ..

Re: cannot convert to dvd if I use/insert srt subtitles

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2018 10:03 pm
by ttodd0450
just ran a new test with older mpeg titles and subtitles worked fine with conversion it seems to be Newer titles are not converted with subtitles added .. take out subtitles conversions work,,

still like to check this theory of mine with an older program such as the six series ...

Re: cannot convert to dvd if I use/insert srt subtitles

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2018 11:32 pm
by Coral
What type of subtitles are you using ? Is it the permanent type ? Or the type that you can switch on and off ?

Re: cannot convert to dvd if I use/insert srt subtitles

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2018 11:30 am
by felicia
The issue you describe was fixed in version 53, please update to latest beta available here: cxd-v7-beta-t19580.html