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Modification of existing template

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2018 6:14 pm
by imyashy
Hi Guys,

I re-formatted one of the templates in ConvertxtoDVD 7 (see attached). The template I edited was based on the 'Movie - Best for Single Movies, can have a bonus submenu" default template.

It is a menu template for one main movie + bonus items. I like this template as there is:

Root Page
Chapter Page for Single movie (title 1)
Bonus page for any bonus items.

The template is designed for a single movie however I would like to modify it so it can reference 2 movies on the root page. So it would look like this:

Root Page (displays link to Chapter page for movie 1 + link to chapter page for movie 2 + link to bonus page)
Chapter Page for movie 1 (title 1)
Chapter Page for movie 2 (title 2)
Bonus page for any bonus items.

Can anyone help make this modifcation for me please? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Re: Modification of existing template

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 4:08 pm
by felicia
If you want to put two movies use the default template or a series template model and set titles per page at 2

Re: Modification of existing template

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2018 11:48 am
by imyashy
The problem is I don't want any title pages to appear. Only pages I want are:

Chapter Page 1,2,3 etc for Title 1
Chapter Page 1,2,3 etc for Title 2
Bonus Page (This page shows a list of bonus titles)