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Feature Request

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2018 11:55 am
by Nemesh
Often a recap of what happened in the privious episodes is in front of a new episode.
However, I do not alway have the proper subtiteles for that.
With ConvertxToHD I cut away the intro (read recap).

But then the start with only 1 or 2 black frames in front of de video.
I can hear the voices but the TV or mediaplayer takes some time to build up the picture.
So, I hear the voices but no picture.

It would be great if there was a possibility in ConverXtoHD to add some seconds of black video
at the piont were the cutted video starts.
To replace the recap intro and the TV or Mediaplayer has some time to build up the picture.

With much regards,


EDIT: Was not clear in my question.