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Stop the update nag

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 3:03 pm
by Arrakis
I'm using version 7.40 (tried later versions, all of which are horrible) so this is the one that, at least, works for me.
However, I can't stop the daily update nag.
I go to default settings, then general, then select another option such as DO NOT UPDATE or ONCE A MONTH, but still get a daily nag when opening the program.
Anyone know how to actually turn it off?


Re: Stop the update nag

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2018 11:52 pm
by BrimStone
The LATEST version of ConvertXtoDVD is as of 8-8-2018. Are you from the future and the program is STILL buggy??? :shock:

Ok, your are probably not from the future and just jumbled your numbers. I've had the same problem as well, and I have the option set to "DO NOT NOTIFY UPDATE". From my experience, once you put in your VALID product key, the program "calls home" to make sure your key is valid. It seems to check this product key several times after it is installed, after that it doesn't "call home" but STILL checks for an update even when set NOT to. You can block the program from going out with a firewall program, such as Zone Alarm. This will stop it from checking for updates, even when you tell it NOT to check.

Re: Stop the update nag

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 7:14 pm
by Arrakis
[quote]Ok, your are probably not from the future and just jumbled your numbers.[/quote]
Yeah....I dropped the 0.0. since it's obvious to anyone who has installed the program. The .40 is the only version I can run without problems....each update is worse than the previous

[quote]Zone Alarm. This will stop it from checking for updates, even when you tell it NOT to check.
Thanks...I'll give that a shot.