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Good News

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 7:22 pm
by Coral
I have information that VSO will be back in full working mode after moving to new premises. This should be by the end of this month. In the meantime be patient and as before, any problems will be sorted out in the near future.

Re: Good News

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 11:53 am
by Nemesh
Hello Coral,

Since Claire left VSO in 2017 the support from VSO got very poor.
Check Clair's profile, last addition to the forum: 09-09-2017

Working here with ConvertXtoHD 3 and ConvertxToDVD 7.
Both programs have bugs and in the past I could report those bug directly to Felicia by email.
Also uploaded the files and even small .mpg movies I made from my TV to prove the errors.
At first I got reply's from him but after a while I got the silence treat.
And check out the forum, still up until today both programs have bugs.
Audio glitches and conversion artifacts.
Those bugs prohibit me from writing the result to a BD disc.
Now I move the whole project to a external HD and wait until those bugs have been solved before proceding.
Suggestion to all users: Wacht the converted result first on a media-player before spending a expensive empty BD disc on it.

Had the same problem with the series Safe House Season 1 in 2017.
It took Felicia 8 months to solve those bugs !
Check the board topic: bugs-8-months-old-t19937.html
If I recall correct, it was a unexpected end of packet/frame but I am not sure.
After conversion with ConverxToHD 3, several of those bugs are back in the BD series Bodyguard Season 1 and Iron Fist Season 1.
The source material is 100% fine.
As you also noticed no admin/moderator is responding anymore to the topics customers of VSO programs are posting on the forum.
They buy their products and even go thrue lenghts to post a topic when they encounter a bug.

At least you would expect that the admins/moderators would react to this topics.
It in their best intrest so they can improve the program and it's also a token of good customer service.
But the reality is diffrent.

It's not that I expect that Felicia (or for that matter any of the other programmers) will directly solve the bugs over night.
But when I provide them with the files, time-code, screenshots etc. etc. and email with detailled information, I at
least expect a email back that they received all the information and will start a inquiry.

After some time it would nice if they reply on the forum or email that they either confirm the bug or that they
can't reproduce the bug and asked for possible additional information.
The only moment you see a topic from Felicia is when he announces a new beta.

So I am very sorry but I don't share you enthousiasm.
A appology from VSO is at his place for the lack of support and giving all their customers the silent treat.
I think that there are many people out there who payed €29 or possible even more (like me) for life-time keys.
And maybe there are also (like me) people out there who bought more that 1 program from VSO.

Sorry to be on the negative side but at this moment I have no confidence that the good support
VSO had (when Claire manged the forum) will be back.

Re: Good News

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 12:18 pm
by Coral
I am just a person who have collaborated with Felicia on the design and options for the template editor in CX7.
I fully sympathize with you regarding support. The old team Claire and Co. are no longer with VSO. At the moment there are two persons who are running the show. And only one is on coding.

I have been told that by the end of this month things should start to improve.
VSO had a very good reputation for their support . I don't know of any other software company who offered such service on their forum. I honestly hope that this kind of service will return in the shortest time possible.

Re: Good News

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 12:34 pm
by Nemesh
I agree Coral,

Their support was indeed very good.
And I always check and double check with several devices and programs before posting a bug on the forum.
Always (as you read above) I try to provide them with as much information as possible.
So that:

1. I don't waste their time
2. They can easy reproduce the bug(s)
3. Bugs possibly can be solved faster.

That things (regarding personel) and moving to new premesis have changed at VSO, happens also to other companies.
But why didn't they start a topic explaining that because of those changes the very good VSO support would suffer from that ?
And that they will try to get it back up a.s.a.p ?

I personally would like to thank you for contributing to the program.
Use the CX7 template editior with all custom BD's I create with excellent results.
Many, many thanks for that !

Re: Good News

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 4:58 pm
by Ch3vr0n
Excellent cant wait.

Re: Good News

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 6:45 am
by minhcute
Nemesh, Coral
Do you know reason why VSO team doesn't reply customers' topics for a long time ? Are they too busy in real life or because of another reason ?
And why did Claire leave VSO ?
I think all softwares from VSO are great, and their technical support are great, too. VSO team was extremely enthusiastic, especially Claire, Annelise and Felicia. So I am very sad after hearing you said that she left VSO.
Coral, your information is really a good news !! I can't wait to see VSO team returns and the atmosphere in forum will be bustling as formerly !

Re: Good News

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:28 am
by Coral
minhcute wrote:Nemesh, Coral
Do you know reason why VSO team doesn't reply customers' topics for a long time ? Are they too busy in real life or because of another reason ?
And why did Claire leave VSO ?
I think all softwares from VSO are great, and their technical support are great, too. VSO team was extremely enthusiastic, especially Claire, Annelise and Felicia. So I am very sad after hearing you said that she left VSO.
Coral, your information is really a good news !! I can't wait to see VSO team returns and the atmosphere in forum will be bustling as formerly !
As for the reason, only the VSO management can answer that. Perhaps it could be a financial problem. No company can survive if it is not making a profit. This is only my opinion.

As for the second question, I think that the answer is in the above reply.

I too hope that VSO support returns to it's previous deficiency is soon as possible.

Re: Good News

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 1:14 pm
by minhcute
Coral, I think maybe your opinion is right. VSO softwares are great, even better than other softwares with same functions, but, because as almost all of us know, softwares from VSO have many crack versions on Internet. Many persons only want to use these excellent softwares without paying money. They don't understand that, to accomplish a software, any developer has to waste much of time, money, intellect for it. It is not easy to make a software, especially great softwares as VSO's .The matter is if the developers make their softwares to be very hard to be cracked or impossible to be cracked, then many bad users will not use them anymore and will find another softwares which have same functions and are easier to crack. That is the difficulty for any software developer. I can understand that because in the past, my uncle was also a software developer.
By the way, as you said, only VSO management can say the exact reason. I really wish their returns with extremely enthusiastic technical support as before. I love VSO softwares and I really don't want their development to be stopped.
And, again, thank you so much for your useful notice. I am very happy about that !

Re: Good News

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2019 10:04 am
by Maggie
Hi folks,

Nice to meet you! ...for the ones I haven't been speaking already :wink:
I am Maggie, brand-new support team of VSO Software.

We are still alive! We apologize for keeping you waiting so long.
We had some difficult times. As you said, VSO Software wasn't making as much profit as before and managers weren't able to keep things as they were before...
But... we're back! From now, we'll be trying to bounce back!

Thanks for your kind support! This is very (very!) much appreciated by all the team.
We will do our best to not disappoint this warm community ♡

Re: Good News

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2019 10:43 pm
by swampdaddy
For normal projects I use the AVCHD format and you can put up to 2 hours 30 minutes on a regular (inexpensive) DVD blank. I have not noticed any problems unless I try to do too much surfing or other things while conversion is going on. BD blanks are too expensive for me. I am running v3.0.0.58 of ConvertX to HD3.

Have fun, Swamp Daddy