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Subtitle not in sync

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2021 12:32 am
by eddie11013
I'm going to assume that the issue is with the video file and 'not' convertxtodvd, but I thought I would post just in case. The video file and subtitle "is" in sync when I play them on my desktop computer, but not after conversion and when I play the finished DVD in my standalone DVD player. Windows 10, Verbatim DVD-R's, latest version

Thanks in advance, log attached
ConvertXtoDVD 7_mainlog.20210308.155735.581.log
(12.16 KiB) Downloaded 413 times

Re: Subtitle not in sync

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2021 8:04 am
by JJ
In most cases problem is due different framerates.
Every second timing of subtitles drifts more off when this is the case.

If they "jump" off and then stay same amount off then those subtitles are for different version or video file has been edited.

Re: Subtitle not in sync

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2021 5:21 pm
by dbminter
Yes, did you do any editing to the source video to remove content before importing it into CXD? If you did, then the subtitles would be out of sync because the video file is not the same size anymore. You probably didn't edit the source file, but I'm covering all the bases.

Or, did you use the trim function in CXD to edit out video footage? I don't know, but I wouldn't think CXD would also edit the subtitle file to match the changes to the video. It might, but I would tend to doubt it. I just don't know for certain.

Re: Subtitle not in sync

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2021 2:43 pm
by eddie11013
Thanks for replying, no I did not edit the file. FYI, the subtitle file was included in the over all mkv file. Did not 'find' or use a different subtitle file, which I do from time to time when a video file doesn't come with one. Just thought it was 'odd' that the file played just fine on my desktop PC but after conversion the 'file' was out of sync.

That's it. Found another 'video' file, something I usually do when something doesn't work right, and it converted just fine, no issues.

Thanks again for the input.

Stay Safe.

Re: Subtitle not in sync

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2021 2:58 pm
by dbminter
Yes, it was sounding more and more like the source file was the problem to begin with.

Re: Subtitle not in sync

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2021 6:16 pm
by JJ
On computer file is usually played at fps that is was created to be played and player checks that frames are played on correctly.
On DVD it is played according equipment specification, and that might be totally different, causing small drifting (23.97 vs 24 for example)