ConvertxtoUHD with HDR or Dolby Vision

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ConvertxtoUHD with HDR or Dolby Vision

Post by Buchania »

Hallo, ich wollte gerne von nur einmal wissen ob eine Ultra HD mit HDR oder Dolby Vision version von Convertxto kommt? Bisher gibt bis nur ConvertxtoHD. Gibt es bald auch ein Convertxtouhd? Über eine kurze Antwort würde ich mich sehr freuen.

Hello, I just wanted to know if there is an Ultra HD with HDR or Dolby Vision version from Convertxto? So far there are only ConvertxtoHD. Will there be a Convertxtouhd soon? I would be very happy about a short answer.

Bonjour, je voulais juste savoir s'il existe une version Ultra HD avec HDR ou Dolby Vision de chez Convertxto ? Jusqu'à présent, il n'y a que ConvertxtoHD. Y aura-t-il bientôt un Convertxtouhd ? Je serais très heureux d'avoir une réponse courte.
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Re: ConvertxtoUHD with HDR or Dolby Vision

Post by Katia »


There is no UHD version actually, Full HD is the best quality you can have with ConvertXtoHD. We will surely work on the UHD version one day, but it is not in our projects coming soon, sorry.
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Re: ConvertxtoUHD with HDR or Dolby Vision

Post by Buchania »

I know that with the HD version and this really good. But I search for an uhd version too. That's why I am asking. I don't want to stress you out, I'm just asking. :D :wink:
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Re: ConvertxtoUHD with HDR or Dolby Vision

Post by Padge007 »

theyve been saying theyre working on a HEVC version for over 5 years now and nothing these software are way behind everything else
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