Guide: How To Manually Add A Delay On A Stream, offset

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Guide: How To Manually Add A Delay On A Stream, offset

Post by Cougar_II »


Here's a quick guide on how to add a delay to the Video or Audio streams, to fix an out of sync issue:

Step 1

Open the +File Set on the bottom, and not the +Titleset above.

Step 2a

With the mouse, HighLight the Video or Audio Stream, the stream you wish to add a delay.

Step 2b

Press <F2> to edit, then set the needed value with the arrows, or manually (200 <enter>)

Step 3

Just click anywhere else, away from the selection box.
It will close the value editor.

Now, you can see the new value.


500ms = 1/2 second

If the audio is a little behind, try to add a delay to the video stream.

If the audio is a little ahead, try to add a delay to the audio stream.

ConvertXtoDVD may not be able to detect all delays.
Adding one manually, may help you achieve a sync audio/video.

This is a hit and miss thing.
Try with a 500ms delay, if it's too long, reduce to 300ms and test again.

It's possible to add a negative -500ms value to the video stream, but not possible on the audio stream.

Adding a -negative delay to the audio stream, is the equivalent of adding a positive delay to the audio stream.

Hope this helps you solve a few Out Of Sync issues you may encounter.
Step 3.jpg
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Step 2b.jpg
Step 2b.jpg (250.34 KiB) Viewed 18961 times
Step 2a.jpg
Step 2a.jpg (222.85 KiB) Viewed 18960 times
Step 1.jpg
Step 1.jpg (203.75 KiB) Viewed 18960 times
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